In 2025, the world's natural gas demand will surpass coal and rank second

Exxon Petroleum of the United States predicts that the world's energy demand in 2025 will show that natural gas surpasses that of coal after oil.

As the world’s population increases and the economy continues to grow, the world’s energy demand in 2040 will increase by 32% compared to 2010. Under the slow growth of developed countries, the growth rate of energy demand of newly industrialized countries committed to the continuous improvement of living standards will reach 57%. The growth of countries such as India and Africa will be particularly significant. In 2010, natural gas demand already accounted for 22% of all energy, 25% in 2025, and 27% in 2040. In 2010, coal, which used to account for 26% of energy, will fall to 23% in 2025 and 19% in 2040. Nuclear power will increase from 5% in 2010 to 6% in 2025 and rise to 8% in 2040. The company believes that the decline in coal demand is the first time since the world's industrial economy. The main reason is that the world-wide campaign to reduce carbon dioxide emissions has promoted the shift of energy demand to natural gas.

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