The quality of electric wires is not only due to safety, but also affects the life and safety of the associated appliances. So how to choose and check the quality of the wire?
1. Look. See if there is a quality system certification; see whether the certificate is standardized; see if there is a factory name, site, inspection seal, and production date; see if the trademark is printed on the wire, specifications, voltage, etc. It also depends on the cross-section of the copper core of the cable. The superior product has a bright, soft color and a reddish yellow color in the copper core, indicating that the copper used is of good quality, while the yellow and white is the reaction of the low-grade copper. Otherwise it is defective.
2. Try it. It is advisable that a wire head be repeatedly bent by hand, and that any product that has a soft hand, a good anti-fatigue strength, a large elasticity of a plastic or rubber feel, and no cracks on a wire insulator is an excellent product.
3. Cut a section of insulation to see if the core is in the middle of the insulation. Non-centered is due to the fact that the process is not high and the eccentricity phenomenon is caused. If the power is small, it can be safe when used. Once the power is used, the thinner side may be broken down by the current.
4. It is necessary to look at the length and core thickness of the core. The relevant standards stipulate that the error of the length of the wire cannot exceed 5%, and the diameter of the cross section cannot exceed 0.02%. However, there are a large number of short and short lengths on the market, and fraud is made on the cross section (if the cross section is marked as 6 squares. The millimeter line is actually only 4.5 square millimeters thick.
Wire electrical appliances
In perfect binding, adhesive alone is used to attach the pages of a book together and attach the book`s cover.
If only one adhesive application is used to construct the book, it is called a [one-shot process."
When two adhesive applications are required, it is a [two-shot process."
In the latter process, the first application of adhesive binds the bases of the book together. This adhesive is sometimes referred to as [primer" glue.
The second application of adhesive is used to attach the book`s cover to the side of the book spine. This adhesive is referred to as the [cover" glue.
Light Yellow Side Glue has good flexibility and strong can be used to attach the book's cover to the side of the book spine.
Good adhesion,weathering resistance and impact resistance.
Light Yellow Side Glue
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