At present, there are mainly domestically produced, joint venture and imported three kinds of ceramic tiles on the market, and the consumption is gradually becoming high-end. Tiles are not always changed like ordinary daily necessities, so the choice is very important. Once quality problems occur, maintenance is not an easy task. Therefore, you should try to choose from the store when you choose, and follow the advice of professionals to avoid a lot of trouble. .
The floor materials are constantly being updated, but the tiles still occupy a dominant position. The average consumer looks at the wall tiles, but only looks at the color texture, and the more professional problems, it is necessary to consult professionals.
The most important thing about choosing a tile is to consider quality issues. There are many standards for distinguishing between good and bad tiles. It can be beaten. The sound is crisp and the porcelain density and hardness are high. The quality is good. The water absorption of the tiles can also be measured. The lower the water absorption, the higher the inherent stability of the tiles. The more suitable it is for moisture or high moisture content (such as bathroom, kitchen), there will be no problems such as dark spots. The simplest method of detection is to pour a cup of water on the back of the tile. The water stain spreads rapidly, indicating that the water absorption rate is high, and vice versa. Check the surface quality of the tile. You can scrape the tile glaze with a hard object. If the trace is left, the quality is poor. Also, check the color of the tile is not clear. Look at the pinhole with the naked eye. The pinhole is easy to accumulate. Finally, observe the flatness of the tile, the side is straight, easy to lay, and the effect is good.
According to the different levels of products in the production process, domestic ceramic tiles can be divided into superior products, first-class products, second-class products, third-class products and inferior products. For example, second-class products are in the production process because they have not reached a certain level. At the same level, it is reduced to second-class products; the same is true for third-class products and inferior goods, but they do not meet more standards than second-class products.
At present, most of the high-quality imported ceramic tiles on the market are Italian and Spanish products. These ceramic tile manufacturers pay attention to quality, and the products are only qualified and unqualified, and will not divide the products into many grades. Imported bricks are strictly in accordance with European standards. There are many strict technical indicators in European standards: length error, straight angle, edge angle, straightness, water absorption, bending strength, abrasion resistance, stain resistance, acidity and alkalinity, etc. Each piece will pass the review of such technical indicators before it reaches the consumers. Therefore, when purchasing imported tiles, more energy can be placed on whether the color, surface texture and style of the bricks match the decoration style of the home. .
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