The new cy-inclusive micro-electrolysis technology jointly developed by Weifang Puyinworun Environmental Protection Technology and Sun Yat-sen University can effectively remove high-concentration organic matter in wastewater and improve biodegradability, and at the same time avoid the phenomenon of filler passivation and compaction during operation. .cy micro-electrolysis technology is an ideal process for treating high concentration and difficult to degrade organic pollution, also known as internal electrolysis. It is an electrolytic treatment of wastewater by generating a potential difference of 1.2 volts without an external power supply. When the system is flooded, a galvanic cell system is formed in the device, and a number of electric fields are generated around it to form a current. Electrolytic treatment of wastewater. Iron releases iron ions under acidic conditions to form new ecological Fe2+. Fe2+ ​​has an oxidative-reduction effect and can undergo redox reaction with many components in wastewater; (1) reduction of hexavalent chromium to trivalent chromium; (2) reduction of mercury ions to elemental mercury; (3) reduction of nitro group to amino group; (4) Oxidation-reduction of the colored or auxophore of the azo wastewater; achieving degradation and decolorization; improving the biodegradability of the wastewater. The generated Fe2+ pH value further produces Fe3+; Fe3+ is a good flocculant. Their hydrates have strong adsorption-flocculation, and Fe3+ further produces ferrous hydroxide and ferric hydroxide colloidal flocculants under the action of reduction. Their adsorption capacity is much higher than those obtained by the hydrolysis of chemical agents; suspended matter, toxic substances, metal ions and macromolecules dispersed in water pollution can be adsorbed-flocculated and precipitated.
[Scope of application] This product is specially designed for the treatment of large organic matter concentration, high toxicity, high chroma and difficult biochemical wastewater, which can greatly reduce the color and COD of wastewater, and increase the B/C ratio to increase the wastewater.
Biochemical, can be widely used in: printing and dyeing, chemical, electroplating, pulping, paper, pharmaceutical, scouring, pesticides, pickles, alcohol and other industrial wastewater treatment and treatment water reuse projects.

Heat Pipe Solar Collector is one type of Vacuum Tube Solar Collector.
selective coating on the inner cover of the Vacuum Tubes
converts solar energy and transfers heat to the heat pipes
by aluminum fins. The liquid in the heat pipe changes into vapor
which rises to the condenser. Then the heat passes through the heat
exchanger, the water inside of header pipe is being heated, and the vapor
becomes liquid, returning to the bottom of the heat pipe. This
transference of heat creates a continuous circulation as long as the heat
pipe Vacuum Tube collector is heated by sun.
is transferred by liquid to the header pipe and heat the water efficiently. In
addition, heat pipe vacuum tubes is highly freezing resistance, which ensures
higher efficiency in cold areas.
Heat pipe solar collectors can be used in both pressurized or non-pressurized circulation systems.
Evacuated heat pipe technology
1. Evacuated tubes based on the thermos flask principle and consisting of two concentric glass tubes and an evacuated gap to prevent heat loss.2. Highly selective absorber layer on the inner glass tubes (AI/ALN,) which enables an optimum energy yield.
3. Aluminum heat transfer plate to provide an optimum heat transfer medium system.
4. Copper heat pipes transfer the extracting heat effectively.
5. Rock wool insulation with an aluminum lamination in order to prevent heat loss in the manifold.
6. Compression ring fitting (Ø 22 mm) for flow and return which enable a safe and easy-to-install pipework connections.
7. The most common working fluid is water for ambient temperatures of - 30 °C to an operating temperature to 90 °C.
Heat Pipe Solar Collector
Heat Pipe Solar Collector,Pressurized Solar Collector,Heat Tube Solar Collector,Heat Pipe Collector
Linuo Ritter International Co.,Ltd ,