Pollution-free vegetables, non-polluting means of safe, high quality, nutritious vegetables, pollution-free vegetables pathogenic organisms harmful content of harmful substances in products and vegetables in number, are in line with the relevant food standards, food after using the human body without The toxic effect can give full play to the nutritional and health functions of vegetables. So, what issues should be paid attention to in the prevention and control of pests and diseases in the production of pollution-free vegetables? Pest control must be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the standard, anti-chemical treatment to a minimum.
Optimize farming practices. By selecting good varieties and rational rotation. Adopt scientific cultivation management measures to improve the resistance of vegetables to pests and diseases. Strictly clean the remaining crops and disinfection; protect the temperature and humidity in the protected area , prevent high temperature and high humidity, limit the occurrence of diseases; ground cover, drip irrigation or dark irrigation; coordination of fertilizer, water and heat; greenhouses, greenhouses and other facilities Environmental regulation; organic fertilizer-based, combined with the application of biological fertilizers and fertilizers; or organic, inorganic combination, nitrogen-controlled balanced fertilization.
Physical control. Use grafting technology to control soil-borne diseases. The use of grafting technology to control soil-borne diseases is very obvious. The effect of controlling cucumber wilt after grafting of cucumber, watermelon and eggplant can reach more than 95 %. It can also prevent epidemic diseases and powdery mildew, and can improve plant resistance and increase yield. Gray reflective film to avoid aphids, reduce the occurrence of viral diseases; set up yellow plates in the field or hang yellow sticky strips in the greenhouse vents to trap aphids and whitefly; set insect nets in greenhouse vents to reduce pests and insect-borne diseases Have an important role.
Biological control. 1 . Bacillus thuringiensis Bt emulsion; better control of cabbage caterpillar, diamondback moth, rapeseed, and silver moth. Second, the use of virus control of insects: the application of Jinggangmycin, agricultural anti- 120, etc., the prevention and treatment of mites are Liuyangmycin , Huaguangmycin. 3 . Live microbial pesticides: fungicides have Metarhizium, Lu security number 1; antibacterial agents such as Bacillus thuringiensis, milky spores Bacillus; orange antibacterial agents such as "5406", vegetables Fengning Bl; nematodes such as entomopathogenic nematodes; protozoa such as Nosema Protozoa; the virus has a nuclear polyhedrosis virus, a granulosis virus. 4. Animal-derived pesticides: insect pheromones (or insect pheromones), such as sex pheromones; living preparations: parasitic, predatory natural enemy animals 55 , plant-derived pesticides; insecticides; pyrethrin, rotenone, nicotine, Alizarin, vegetable oil emulsion; fungicide: allicin; repellent: azadirachtin, bitter, chuanxiong; synergist: sesamin.
Rational use of chemical pesticides. l , inorganic killing fungicide: sulfur preparation: sulfur suspension, wettable sulfur, stone flow agent; copper preparation: copper sulfate, copper hydroxide, Bordeaux mixture. 2, a mineral oil emulsion: extracted from natural minerals oil emulsion. 3 , organic synthetic pesticides: organic synthetic pesticides, is a kind of pesticides that are artificially developed and synthesized by the organic chemical industry, including insecticides and acaricides, fungicides, herbicides, and can be used in limited quantities in vegetable pollution-free production.
Note that the production of pollution-free vegetables must strictly adhere to the following guidelines:
First, do not limit the pesticides used. Plant-derived pesticides, animal-derived pesticides and microbial-derived pesticides are permitted. Sulfur preparations and copper preparations are permitted in mineral-derived pesticides.
Second, the use of pesticides that are highly toxic, highly toxic, highly residual, or have three (carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic) properties are strictly prohibited. For example, calcium arsenate, lead arsenate, calcium fluoride, sodium fluoride, fluoroacetamide, DDT, phorate, parathion, pentachloronitrobenzene, various herbicides, and the like.
Third, the limited use of pesticides. When necessary, allow limited use of some organic synthetic chemical pesticides, and strictly follow the prescribed methods, strict drug safety intervals.
Drop Arm Barrier (drop arm
Turnstile ) is one of the Optical Turnstile, this turnstile Barrier has one long
passage barring arm or two mid-length arms. One arm turnstiles can be installed
in a bank or office building to allow ease of passage of those with Wheelchair,
strollers and delivery persons with carts.Drop Arm Barrier is a kind of high-tech product used for the intelligent management for the pedestrian Access Control. It is the upgraded product of Tripod Turnstile and Flap Barrier . Similar to Flap Barrier, it is of fine processing, complete function and high grade. It mainly applies in such upscale places as residential estates, intelligent buildings, hotels, metros, docks, chambers, etc.
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Drop Arm Barrier
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