Technical points for the use of herbicides in vegetable fields

Weeds in vegetable fields are a hazard in the production of vegetables. Manual weeding is laborious and laborious. The majority of vegetable farmers in vegetable production need to use herbicides. However, there are many varieties of vegetables, short production period, high multiple cropping index, complicated mouthwash, and many varieties of herbicides. If used improperly, it is easy to cause phytotoxicity or even failure. I have tested and demonstrated herbicides for several years. The investigation found that the use of herbicides in vegetable fields must do the following: 1 Reasonable selection of herbicides There are many varieties of herbicides, different herbicides have different weeding objects, and different vegetables have different adaptability to herbicides. Therefore, the rational use of herbicides is essential. According to the test and demonstration, the following herbicides are safe and low-toxic to vegetables. 1.1 48% trifluralin EC, 100-150 ml per mu, suitable for Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage, celery, radish, carrot, kidney bean, kidney bean, before planting and tomato, pepper, eggplant, cabbage, broccoli, colonization Previous soil treatment. 1.2 25% herbicide ether wettable powder 300-400g, used for kidney beans, cowpeas, carrots, celery, alfalfa before sowing and cucumber, tomato, pepper, broccoli before planting soil. It can also be mixed with 50% of 50% chlorpyrifos WP for better results. 1.3 50% chlorpyrifos WP Between 200 and 250 grams per acre, used for celery, root leeks, carrots, and sorghum before soiling. 1.4 33% Shitian emulsifiable concentrate, 100-150 ml per mu is suitable for the treatment of kidney beans, potatoes, peas, leeks, cruciferous plants and soil treatment before colonization of solanaceous vegetables. 1.5 20% dichlorfen EC, 250-300 ml per mu is suitable for radish, cabbage, kidney beans, before planting, eggplant, tomato, pepper, cabbage, potato, watermelon before the planting of soil.

2 Improve the quality of medication The herbicide's control effect on weeds and the timing of the medication are closely related to the quality of the medication. Therefore, the following issues must be noted: 2.1 Master the dosage. It is necessary to achieve "two accurate", that is, the field area is accurate, the calculation of the drug volume is accurate, the organic matter content is high, the microbial separation herbicide, and the clay has adsorption effect on the herbicide, so the dosage of the four pieces should be Appropriate increase, and the dosage of the thin field and the sandy field should be reduced as appropriate. 2.2 Master the time of medication. Trifluralin, dichlorfen, herbicide ether, chlorpyrifos and shitianbu are all soil treatment agents, which are mainly absorbed by the roots and shoots of weeds to inhibit the growth of weeds. It is usually applied before emergence or before planting after crop sowing. Jinghecao is a stem and leaf treatment agent, which is destroyed by the stems and leaves of weeds to destroy the dividing tissues. The time of application should be in the three to six-leaf stage of grass weeds. 2.3 The soil treatment agent must be sprayed after the rain or after watering, that is, when the soil moisture content is between 20% and 30%, it is necessary to mix the soil 2 to 3 cm deep in addition to the Fluorine spray. Photolysis, other types of herbicides generally need to protect the soil membrane, avoid mixing and trampling. 2.4 Master the amount of water used in medicine. Each acre of pesticide is 25-30 kg of water, which must be evenly sprayed. The sprayer used does not run, run, drip or leak. 2.5 When using herbicides in greenhouses and greenhouses, high temperature should be ventilated and ventilated to avoid phytotoxicity. 2.6 Cucumber, lettuce, and Artemisia scoparia are sensitive to trifluralin and chlorpyrifos herbicides, celery and carrots are sensitive to dichlorpyrifos, and leeks, green onions and other liliaceae vegetables and spinach are sensitive to herbicide ether, and they have been used in the past. The field of herbicides is also very sensitive, and care should be taken to avoid application and contact. The effect of herbicides on controlling weeds in vegetable fields and the safety of vegetables is closely related to the climate, soil quality, vegetable varieties and cultivation methods. Therefore, the use of each herbicide should follow the test and demonstration. The principle of “promoting” to achieve the effect of labor saving, safety, high efficiency and high output value.

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