Research and development of CAPP template customization system


Because the process design is a highly personalized work, the process card formats of different companies vary widely. Even within an enterprise, in order to respond to the rapid requirements of the market, the actual process design card format often changes. Therefore, the development of a process card format suitable for the enterprise, and the ability to easily and flexibly modify the format of these documents with the development of the enterprise, has become an important function of the CAPP system, and also an important research content of computer-aided design.

1 Process template customization system framework

The main body of the entire template customization system is process template management, including modification of existing templates and customization of new templates. The system model is shown in Figure 1.

From the perspective of realizing the process template customization module, the process template customization mainly includes two parts: process card drawing and process card description. Process card drawing involves processes such as drawing, graphics capture, and graphic modification. Corresponding to the process card description part, the system uses XML to describe the process card and save the corresponding XML document to the process file library.

2 Information model of the process template

2.1 Process template composition object analysis

The template is an abstraction of the process file format. Before determining the template composition object, the process card must be deeply analyzed and the elements of the process card must be decomposed.

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