Anti-virus experts remind users: be wary of U disk virus

Recently, the virus spread through the U disk has shown a spreading trend. According to the monitoring of the Jiangmin Anti-Virus Center, this week, "U disk parasites" and "random 8 digits" and other viruses raged. Anti-virus experts remind users to take effective precautions when using mobile storage devices and beware of U disk viruses becoming a new public hazard.

According to the monitoring of Jiangmin Anti-Virus Center, the "U disk parasite" virus regained the top of the virus list this week, posing a major threat to the Internet. And this week another widely spread virus "random 8-digit number" is also spread through the U disk, such viruses will generate Autorun in the root directory of the mobile device or hard disk. Inf file, users can activate the virus by double-clicking the drive letter. In addition, in addition to U disks, mobile storage devices such as MP3, MP4, mobile hard disks, etc., without exception, have become carriers of such viruses.

According to Jiangmin's anti-virus experts, different U disk viruses have different symptoms. Most Trojan-type U disk viruses have no obvious symptoms. If you don't check or kill the virus carefully, ordinary users will not feel the virus. There are also some U disk virus features that are very obvious after the attack, such as "Panda Burning Incense" infection will make all EXE executable files on the computer become "Panda" patterns, and "Word Document Killer" is not so "good", if The user inserts the U disk infected with the virus into the computer, the virus will delete the WORD files of OFFICE users one by one, and all users of the WINDOWS version are not spared.

Experts suggest that users can take the following methods to prevent U disk virus:

1. Modify the registry in the computer system to disable the automatic running function of each disk in the system. (You can also use the "Group Policy Function" of WINDOWS by running the "gpedit.msc" command in the "Run" box of the "Start" menu and finding "Computer Configuration" and "User Configuration" under "Group Policy" "Administrative template" function, open the "Turn off autoplay" setting in the "System" menu, select "Enabled" in its properties, then select "All drives", and finally save it);

2. Try not to double-click to open the U disk, but select the right button to open it;

3. When using U disk for data file storage and copy, turn on the "real-time monitoring" function of anti-virus software in the computer system to avoid virus file intrusion and infection;

4. Open the "Hide protected operating system files" option in the "Folder" option, and select the "Show all files and folders" option, so that the U disk can be found in time after a virus is infected.

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