The application of CNC high speed machining in the manufacture of aerospace products (2)

In the following, combined with the current situation of the company's aviation products CNC high-speed machining technology and the problems that need to be solved, the paper introduces the situation and common problems of the CNC tools and high-speed machining tools in the high-efficiency and high-speed cutting of the West Control Company.

Development Status of CNC High Speed ​​Machining Technology for Aviation Products of Xikong Company

1 Materials used by the company for aerospace composite structural parts

(1) Structural parts of monolithic stainless steel and aluminum alloy materials.

In order to improve the reliability of the parts, reduce the cost and reduce the weight, most of these parts are structural parts made of solid stainless steel and aluminum alloy. 80%~90% of the materials should be removed during processing, and high speed. Cutting heat is less, cutting force is small, and parts are less deformed. Therefore, the only way to improve production efficiency is to use a machining center for high-speed milling.

(2) Titanium alloy and nickel-based alloy hard-to-cut material parts.

Titanium (nickel) alloy has the characteristics of high strength, good thermal strength and high chemical activity. At present, the company's important components of aerospace products using titanium-based and nickel-based alloy materials are gradually increasing. After high-speed cutting, the cutting speed can be increased to more than 80m/min, which is 8 times of the conventional cutting speed. The processing characteristics of such parts are large cutting force, high cutting temperature, severe work hardening and sticking, and easy wear of the tool.

2 Cutting technology of aviation composite structural parts

From the development trend and characteristics of aerospace composite structural materials, the cutting technology of aerospace composite structural components mainly includes high-speed machining technology of aluminum alloy structural parts and cutting processing technology of difficult-to-machine materials such as titanium (nickel)-based alloys. .

(1) High-speed aluminum alloy cutting technology.

The spindle speed suitable for high-speed aluminum alloy cutting is generally above 10000r/min, some can be as high as 60,000~100000r/min, the cutting speed can reach 2000~5000m/min, and the machining feed rate is 2~20m/min. The removal rate of the material is 30~40kg/h, and the addition (subtraction) speed of the worktable reaches 1~10g. At present, the actual spindle speed of most of the company's machine tool spindles in production is about 8000r/min, which is not fully exerted. Machine performance. Some machine tools can only be used below 3000~4000r/min with domestic tools, and imported tools must be used above 8000r/min.

(2) Cutting technology for difficult-to-machine materials.

Inconel718 (GH169) nickel-based alloy and TiAl6V4 titanium alloy are typical difficult-to-machine materials used in the company's products. Because they are difficult to process, they generally use very low cutting speeds. At present, the company is still exploring and researching the cutting technology level. The cutting speed can only reach 80~100m/min, and it has not been applied in large scale in production. If high-speed machining is used, the production efficiency can be greatly improved, the tool wear can be reduced, and the surface quality of the product parts can be improved.

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