A few days ago, according to Voice of China’s “Yangguang News,†it was reported that “Some city’s refined oil sellers have started throwing cargo recently, insisting on a three-month unmoving domestic wholesale price of refined oil products, and the prices have quietly risen. The first price cut for refined oil products has entered a countdown this year."
The word "countdown" actually comes from institutional statistics. According to Shiwang energy statistics, on the basis of the second refined oil price adjustment on April 6 as the benchmark period, the weighted average price change rate of crude oil in the Brent, Dubai, and Xinta in the North Sea was -1.35% on July 14. According to the reporter's understanding, since June 27th, the international oil price has entered negative values ​​(-0.25%), and in the following more than ten working days, the negative value will continue to expand.
"Once it reaches -4%, domestic oil prices will be adjusted downwards," said Liao Kaiying. "But this is unlikely. Although the international oil price has been hovering around 95 US dollars/barrel recently, but in the European debt crisis, the US dollar weakened and other factors Under the joint effect, international oil prices may soon rise back, or maintain a shock level."
“From another perspective, when the price adjustment on April 6th, the corresponding price of Brent crude oil in the North Sea was US$112/barrel. But now, Brent crude oil in the North Sea is maintained at around US$116/bbl. If you want to reach -4 %, then, the price of Brent crude oil in the North Sea needs to be less than US$ 112/barrel.As mentioned above, the international oil price has recently returned to the price increase channel.So, the negative value of the weighted average price change rate of three places has reached at most - 2%." Liao Kaixi said.
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