A large proportion of 107 tax-reducing machine tools for land-to-desk

Abstract Recently, the state has released a catalogue of tax reduction products for Taiwan, with more than 500 catalogues, of which 107 are mechanical products, and the machine tools occupy a considerable proportion. The mechanical products of tax reduction include metal cutting CNC horizontal lathe, CNC drilling machine, CNC surface grinder, research...

Recently, the state has released a catalogue of tax reduction products for Taiwan, with a total of more than 500, of which 107 are mechanical products, and the machine tools occupy a considerable proportion.

Mechanical products for tax reduction include metal cutting CNC horizontal lathes, CNC drilling machines, CNC surface grinders, grinding machines, grinders, polishing machines, inserting machines, broaching machines, sawing machines or cutting machines, planer, forging or stamping machines and forging hammers. Non-CNC punching, slotting machine, punching and shearing machine and machine tool accessories, tools, etc.

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