Eggplant powdery mildew has become an important disease in shed eggplant. Powdery mildew is mainly harmful to the leaves, and the diseased leaves are mostly developed from the middle and lower parts. When the disease occurs, white near-round small powder spots are produced on the front and back of the leaves, and then gradually spread to form white powdery mildew spots, which can be further expanded throughout the whole leaf. The leaves are covered with white powder and later turned gray. When the white powder is erased, the tissue of the diseased part is chlorotic, and then the yellowing is dry. When the disease is serious, the whole leaf is dead.
The pathogen of egg white powdery mildew is the Ascomycetes subfamily fungus. The suitable temperature for its onset is 16 ° C - 24 ° C, and the humidity is easy to develop. Continuous cropping, planting too dense, insufficient light, poor ventilation, flooding of large water, insufficient fertility, and weakening of plant growth are prone to disease. And the eggplant cultivated in the winter greenhouse in the solar greenhouse is heavier, and there are more early springs.
Control method
(1) Reasonable rotation. Rotation with non-solanaceae crops for more than 3 years.
(2) Strengthen management. Rational use of fertilizer, increase application of organic fertilizer, appropriate application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer; rational close planting, enhance light, timely release of wind, adjust temperature and humidity; timely removal of diseased leaves, complete removal of sick bodies after harvest.
(3) Chemical control. Before the onset of the disease, a bactericide 25% nitrile emulsifiable concentrate 2000 times solution, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500-600 times solution, or 70% mancozeb WP 500-600 times solution may be used. After the onset, you can use 15% triadimefon emulsifiable concentrate 800 times solution, or 10% difenoconazole water dispersible granules 1500-2000 times solution, or 250 grams of soaring propiconazole emulsifiable concentrate 1000 times solution, or 50% sulfur Suspending agent 500 times liquid spray. Spray once every 7-10 days and spray 3-4 times continuously.
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