The basic requirements for a successful pump unit are performance and longevity. Performance is the pump parameters: head, flow and efficiency. Lifetime is the total number of hours that must elapse before one or more parts must be replaced while maintaining permissible performance. Mainly in the actual operating conditions of structural materials to resist corrosion, erosion or a combination of both. There are a number of factors to consider when choosing materials for pump overcurrent components: user experience, expected pump life (eg for short or long term use), intermittent or continuous use, pumping of hazardous or noxious liquids and liquids. Corrosive liquids vary depending on one or more of the following: temperature, concentration, purity, speed, mixed solids and gases. Stainless steel usually refers to the iron content of 12 ~ 30% of the iron-based corrosion resistant alloy. The corrosion resistance of stainless steel is mainly determined by the presence of chromium, iron-chromium dual system is the basis of stainless steel. The addition of other alloying elements can affect and change the alloy's microstructure and properties. Depending on the carbon content, 18% chromium stainless steel can be divided into three categories. Ie ferritic steels less than 0.08% carbon, austenitic-ferritic steels 0.08-0.22% carbon, and austenitic steels greater than 0.22% carbon.
The main purpose of the kitchen sink is to wash food, wash dishes, etc. According to the style, it can be divided into Apron Sink, workstation, Topmount Sink, Undermount Sink and so on. The sink is mainly made of 304 stainless steel, which is resistant to corrosion, oxidation, good toughness and durability.
Kitchen Sink,Composite Sink,Quartz Sink,Copper Sink