Box power saver

In the case of a fluorescent tube, only a sufficient voltage rating is required at the start-up to excite the fluorescent substance to cause the tube to emit light. During the preset time, after the intelligent system senses that the power of the lamp has been completely released, the load voltage is automatically adjusted, and the lamp can be switched into the power-saving mode, and the power saver enters the automatic online detection state at the same time.

According to a large number of experimental statistics, when the power supply voltage is reduced by 10%, the commonly used electric light source, such as fluorescent light illumination, is only reduced by about 7%, while the human eye's perception of light is logarithmic: that is, when the light illumination is reduced by 10% At the time, the visual sensation of the human being is only reduced by 1%, so that the slight change in illumination caused by the light input power is almost invisible to the human eye, but it has a positive significance in extending the life of the lamp and reducing the maintenance cost.

The working principle of street lamp power saver: integrates electromagnetic technology, intelligent control technology and data control technology, and intelligently adjusts in a controllable and gentle way to stabilize the output voltage between the set rated values ​​and realize the public lighting system. The ideal combination of operating current and brightness requirements for power saving and optimized power supply, the power saving rate can be as high as 40%, and the protection of the power system can extend the life of the power system by 3-4 times.

Gearbox/Screw Elements/Screw Barrel Parts

Zhoushan Dinghai Jinsheng Bimetallic Plastic Machinery Factory (General Partners) ,