The U.S. is a big country in the research, development, and consumption of GM foods. The U.S. government generally supports GM foods. However, people are somewhat uneasy about the “new things†of genetically modified foods.
You will eat genetically modified foods
“Do you eat GM foods?†This is a fresh topic in US polls. 60% of respondents said they can accept GM vegetables, fruits, and cereals. For genetically modified meat and fish, Only 30% of people are willing to try.
To ensure the safety of genetically modified foods, the public also looks forward to the government's argument. As one of the functional departments, the US Environmental Protection Agency requires farmers to plant at least 20% non-genetically modified corn to minimize the risk of genetic and genetic pests.
As early as October 1999, the United States Food and Drug Administration’s biotechnology coordinator James Mariynski stated at the hearing of the Basic Science Team of the House of Representatives that the US Food and Drug Administration will take strict measures to ensure consumption. For food safety, the agency’s assessment procedures for genetically modified foods can be “relievedâ€. The 1992 policy also showed that if genetically modified foods contain substances that are significantly different from other foods, or if genetically modified foods contain potential sources of variation, these genetically modified foods will be labeled.
Mariinsky also said that GM technology allows producers to provide "better products" to the public, and it also allows the public to have more food choices.
Genetically modified foods still hold partially concealed
In the turmoil, genetically modified foods can be described as “still full of coverâ€. It is very difficult to find a label for "genetically modified food" in a wide range of American supermarkets. Most people also lack sufficient awareness of this type of food. However, in fact, people use large amounts of genetically modified foods every day as a big meal. Statistics show that Americans spent a total of 3 trillion GM foods in the past 10 years.
The United States began to develop genetically modified foods from the time of Reagan, and Bush’s period of genetically modified foods has achieved fundamental development. After the 1990s, genetically modified foods became popular in the U.S. market.
In May 1992, the "Competitive Committee" led by Vice President Quayle established genetically modified crops as an emerging industry that promotes U.S. exports. Quayle announced that it "reforms and simplifies" the process of GM foods entering the market in order to bypass "complex and complicated supervision."
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration immediately introduced a relatively liberal policy that favors the development of genetically modified foods. The agency declared that as long as genetically modified food manufacturers confirm that the product is safe, these genetically modified foods can be regarded as "recognized safety." The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not issued any requirements for the safety assessment of genetically modified foods, nor does it impose any hard regulation on whether or not the product should be labeled as a "genetically modified food."
By the year 2000, the United States had taken the lead in the global field of genetically modified foods. Of the 13 countries that marketed GM crops, the United States accounted for 68% of production, Argenton, Canada's output was only 23%, 7%.
Promoting the promotion of genetically modified foods
The United States is a big country in R&D and consumption of GM foods. In the early 90s of last century, under the encouragement of the government's "export-friendly" policy, GM foods developed rapidly. However, people are somewhat uneasy about the “new things†of genetically modified foods.
Experts supporting genetically modified foods launched a powerful propaganda campaign to describe the benefits of genetically modified foods to the world: With the global population exceeding 6 billion and the food supply becoming increasingly tight, GM foods will help alleviate global food demand; genetically modified crops Strong resistance to pests and diseases can adapt to the environment of herbicides, and its yield can be effectively improved; some transgenic crops also have high-strength frost resistance, injecting antifreeze genes extracted from a deep-water fish into tobacco and In potato crops, their damage rate at low temperatures is greatly reduced.
From 1997 to 1999, it was the “golden period†for the development of GM foods in the United States. Nearly a quarter of the country’s agricultural land was converted to genetically modified crops within three years. The planting area reached 70 million to 80 million acres and processed foods accounted for two-thirds of the nation’s total. This became a genetically modified food. From 1996 to 2000, the global acreage of genetically modified crops has also been greatly expanded from 4.3 million acres to 109 million acres, and is now reaching 167 million acres, which is larger than the two British territories.
Soybeans and corn are the most widely grown GM crops in the United States. They accounted for 82% of the total planting percentage of all GM crops. According to data from 2010, 70% of corn grown in the United States and 95% of sugar beets are GM crops, and 90% of the rape in the United States and Canada are genetically modified crops.
Patent Protection Triggers Research Dilemma
In the United States, GM foods have always been wearing a patented "gorgeous mask."
To conduct scientific research on GM foods in the United States, GM seeds and research licenses must be obtained from GM seed companies. But which of these companies will allow the publication of scientific reports that are unfavorable to them?
The practice of genetically modified companies in patenting the fate of genetically modified foods has caused many experts in the United States to question and dissatisfaction. In 2009, 26 crop scientists jointly filed a complaint with the US Environmental Protection Agency.
"If a company can control research that was originally in the public domain, it can reduce the negative consequences of any research that may be unfavorable," said Ken Austerli, an entomologist at the University of Minnesota. However, in order to avoid offending the corporate giants of the GM industry and affecting future research opportunities, most of the experts who wrote the letter used anonymity, and Austeri was one of three brave and signed experts.
Transgenic seeds can be the subject of a patent application, stemming from a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court more than 20 years ago. Shaklabati then invented a genetically modified bacterium that could dissolve crude oil and filed a patent for it, but the application was rejected by the U.S. Patent Office. According to the Patent Office, according to Article 101 of the U.S. Constitution, "living creatures" cannot be the subject of patent applications. This result was subsequently overturned by the Customs and Patent Appeals Tribunal, and the US Patent and Trademark Office Director, Diamond, sued Shaqaba to the Supreme Court.
On June 16, 1980, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of the decision of the Court of Appeal. This is the first time that the United States has legally arbitrated for the application of a "living object" for commercial purposes.
At present, the U.S. government generally supports GM foods. In 2011, the Obama administration allowed a number of new genetically modified crops to enter the market, including a genetically modified pasture and ethanol corn.
However, the voice of opposition to genetically modified foods is still inexhaustible. Some people have even launched websites that “prevent GMO invasionâ€. These opponents stated that there are 50 kinds of hazards in GM foods. It is evident from the environmental and human hazards caused by biochemical pollution in 50 years. Now 41% of Americans have the potential risk of cancer during their lifetime.
Experts have given this to the public, saying that if you want to eat genetically modified foods, you must “choose carefully†8 kinds of foods such as tomatoes, potatoes, soybeans, and corn. Or choose organic foods as much as possible, especially the daily consumption of apples, celery, strawberries, peaches, spinach, and grapes. However, organic foods in the United States are usually three times more expensive than non-organic foods. In today's still depressed economy, most people will not be able to “reject†GM foods.
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