Common pesticide appearance identification method:
(1) phoxim: a colorless, slightly pungent medicinal liquid;
(2) Enemy kill: light yellow or brown liquid with a slight astringency;
(3) Copper sulfate: the sky blue color is a scorpion, tasteless;
(4) Carbendazim: white or grayish white powdery shape, slightly odor;
(5) can be mildewed: white powder, with a peppery smell;
(6) Dixon: red solid powder;
(7) Topazin: yellow powder, slightly peppery;
(8) Killing grass: light yellow, with odor liquid;
(9) Trifluralin: red liquid, yellow after watering;
(10) Bentazon: a light yellow liquid with a peppery odor;
(11) Butachlor: light blue liquid, with aroma;
(12) Dimethoate: light yellow, scented liquid.
The meaning of the letters on the pesticide label (1) pH: indicates the pH, when the PH value is equal to 7 is neutral, when it is greater than 7, it is alkaline, the higher the number, the stronger the alkaline. When it is less than 7, it is acidic, and the smaller the number, the stronger the acidity;
(2) PPm: a million parts concentration. That is, 1 million parts of liquid medicine, and the powder contains pesticides;
(3) PC: Percent concentration:
(4) Ai: the active ingredient of the pesticide;
(5) RD: lethal dose of animals;
(6) RD50: the dose that causes 50% of deaths;
(7) ED: sterilizing lethal dose;
(8) B: Baume degree is the rate of dissolution of the drug solution according to the wave beauty agent. Generally used less, can be found in the Baume meter;
(9) MAC: maximum allowable concentration;
(10) Wt: weight;
(11) SG: specific gravity;
(12) SP: water-soluble powder;
(13) EC: emulsifiable concentrate;
(14) C: granules: such as 5% C (g) or 5% granules.
For more information, please visit the China Pesticide Network .
Fuonce-Lighting ,