Recently, the price of titanium sponge in the European Strategic Small Metals reported an increase. The current price is 8.5 to 10 US dollars/kg, up by 0.5 US$/kg, and the price of titanium and iron is unchanged, which is 7.5 to 8 US$/kg of titanium. The domestic price of ferro-titanium remains stable, and the price of titanium sponge has also stabilized, but the price of titanium dioxide has risen again today.
However, the reason for the increasing price of titanium dioxide is caused more by the pressure of rising raw material prices. It is reported that titanium dioxide raw materials, such as titanium concentrate, **, etc. are rising, at the same time, with the development of society, the economic level, labor costs are also rising, these are the direct pressure on the cost of titanium dioxide continues to increase.
Titanium concentrates, it is understood that the current Panzhihua titanium concentrate market quotation has exceeded 1,000, the market is more chaotic, prices vary, there are manufacturers still offer about 950 yuan / ton, some manufacturers have already raised the offer to 1,100 yuan / ton, but The overall market price is about 1050 yuan/ton, which is a lot higher than the price of 950-960 yuan/ton before the holiday. At the same time, in Other regions of the country, such as Yunnan, the titanium concentrate market is currently under tight supply. There is no price, there is a tendency for prices to rise further.
** In the market, the recent purchase of market traders increased demand, market enquiries were active, and prices were also driven by the market. They were quickly pulled up. Currently, market players are generally optimistic about the market. Industry insiders believe that the recent * The purchasing power is still strong, and the market price is still expected to rise. In terms of labor costs, many labor shortages are present in many areas in China. To cope with the lack of labor, many companies have adopted measures such as increasing wages and benefits. As a result, labor costs for titanium dioxide production have also increased.
With the increase in the cost, the price of titanium dioxide has once again been adjusted upwards. In the short term, its price will be stable, but it will continue to drive the market for titanium concentrates and the price will continue to rise. It is understood that many production areas of titanium concentrate are very tight spot, the manufacturers due to lack of goods to stop the external quote is also a lot of market participants believe that the price will be the same as the Panzhihua titanium concentrate, the same rise.
However, the reason for the increasing price of titanium dioxide is caused more by the pressure of rising raw material prices. It is reported that titanium dioxide raw materials, such as titanium concentrate, **, etc. are rising, at the same time, with the development of society, the economic level, labor costs are also rising, these are the direct pressure on the cost of titanium dioxide continues to increase.
Titanium concentrates, it is understood that the current Panzhihua titanium concentrate market quotation has exceeded 1,000, the market is more chaotic, prices vary, there are manufacturers still offer about 950 yuan / ton, some manufacturers have already raised the offer to 1,100 yuan / ton, but The overall market price is about 1050 yuan/ton, which is a lot higher than the price of 950-960 yuan/ton before the holiday. At the same time, in Other regions of the country, such as Yunnan, the titanium concentrate market is currently under tight supply. There is no price, there is a tendency for prices to rise further.
** In the market, the recent purchase of market traders increased demand, market enquiries were active, and prices were also driven by the market. They were quickly pulled up. Currently, market players are generally optimistic about the market. Industry insiders believe that the recent * The purchasing power is still strong, and the market price is still expected to rise. In terms of labor costs, many labor shortages are present in many areas in China. To cope with the lack of labor, many companies have adopted measures such as increasing wages and benefits. As a result, labor costs for titanium dioxide production have also increased.
With the increase in the cost, the price of titanium dioxide has once again been adjusted upwards. In the short term, its price will be stable, but it will continue to drive the market for titanium concentrates and the price will continue to rise. It is understood that many production areas of titanium concentrate are very tight spot, the manufacturers due to lack of goods to stop the external quote is also a lot of market participants believe that the price will be the same as the Panzhihua titanium concentrate, the same rise.