Note on wallpaper

Note on wallpaper :

To do wallpaper, you should consider the problem of corners and the occasion of the damage to the place. The durability of the wallpaper is more than 5 years, but it is 2 years from the seam turning point. It is necessary to notice that it is quick to see the upturn. Maintenance will still take a long time. After posting the wallpaper, you need to pay attention to several problems:

1. The room after the wallpaper has been laid out should be closed, and dried. Because the room in the newly-wrapped wallpaper is immediately ventilated, the wallpaper will be curled and drummed.

2. After 3 days of wallpapering, you should use a damp towel to gently wipe off the wallpaper glue left at the seam of the wallpaper.

3. The wallpaper is more scrub resistant, but it is not resistant to blunt bumps. If the surface of the small area is damaged, it can be remedied with paint or paint of similar color.

4. Non-bumpy wallpaper, just use a chicken feather list to clean on weekdays.

The color of the general bedroom is preferably warmer and softer to help rest. If the furniture is heavy, the color of the wall should be very light; if the furniture is light, the wall should be set off with the contrasting color of the furniture. The color of the newly-married bedroom can be a little more festive, softer and warmer. The best color of the curtain is close to the color of the wallpaper. Be sure to avoid cold colors.

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