Future energy trends: Since the Bush administration proposed in 2002 that straw and other crops were used as strategic energy sources, biomass energy would become a major new energy source for humans. From an international point of view, BP and U.S. International Petroleum also started investing in biomass energy products. In 2003, the company announced that it will use renewable biomass resources as the main raw material for chemical production. Biomass energy is the earliest, most and most direct energy source for human use. Biomass energy conversion technology can efficiently use biomass energy, produce various clean fuels, replace coal, oil, natural gas and other fuels and produce electricity. Experts believe that biomass energy will become an important part of the future sustainable energy. By 2015, 40% of the world's total energy consumption will come from biomass energy.
Biomass energy has broad prospects for development. China's biomass prospects are huge: Cropland crops may gradually replace petroleum and become a material source for fuels and plastics.
'Black gold' may be replaced by 'Green Gold', and biomass energy has a broad prospect of development. From the perspective of energy potential, China's forestry biomass energy is rich in raw materials, and China's agricultural and forestry waste can be used as bio-energy raw materials. China produces 500 million tons of grain each year, producing nearly 700 million tons of straw, which can become the main raw material for bioenergy. In addition, livestock manure in agricultural production, leaf rot in forests, industrial organic waste in urban areas, abandoned kitchen waste in urban life, muddy water, etc., all organic matter can be converted into bio-energy. Again, China has a large marginal land for non-food energy crops. According to experts, China has about 100 million hectares of marginal land such as mountains, beaches and saline-alkali lands. It is not suitable to grow food crops, but it can be used as land for planting special energy plants. According to the use of 20% of these lands, about 1 billion tons of biomass are produced each year, and at least 100 million tons of ethanol and biodiesel can be produced each year. From a technical point of view, biomass energy mainly utilizes bio-fermentation technology, while fermentation technology is the smallest technology in China's bio-technology gap. At present, the output of many fermented products in China ranks first in the world. China's 1.5-generation biofuel technology has reached the international advanced level, and successfully transformed the fuel ethanol feedstock, from corn and other food materials to sweet sorghum, sweet potatoes, and cassava. Non-grain raw materials such as straw and sugar cane; biodiesel technology has also entered the phase of research and industrialization; biogas technology has been used for many years; straw comprehensive utilization technology has made major breakthroughs. China's biomass energy technology fully possesses the strength and strength of industrial development. From the viewpoint of energy conservation and security, biomass energy costs are the lowest and are much safer than nuclear energy and coal. For example, after the Three Gorges Power Station completed the first phase of the project, as of 2009, its total investment is about 180 billion yuan, and the annual power generation is 100 billion kWh, equivalent to the energy equivalent of Daqing. The development of biomass energy requires only about 70 billion yuan to create a green celebration. The cost is only about one-third of the cost of the Three Gorges Project. In summary, it can be seen that the industrialization of biomass energy in China is not only a general trend, but also more economical and sustainable.
Biomass energy has broad prospects for development. China's biomass prospects are huge: Cropland crops may gradually replace petroleum and become a material source for fuels and plastics.
'Black gold' may be replaced by 'Green Gold', and biomass energy has a broad prospect of development. From the perspective of energy potential, China's forestry biomass energy is rich in raw materials, and China's agricultural and forestry waste can be used as bio-energy raw materials. China produces 500 million tons of grain each year, producing nearly 700 million tons of straw, which can become the main raw material for bioenergy. In addition, livestock manure in agricultural production, leaf rot in forests, industrial organic waste in urban areas, abandoned kitchen waste in urban life, muddy water, etc., all organic matter can be converted into bio-energy. Again, China has a large marginal land for non-food energy crops. According to experts, China has about 100 million hectares of marginal land such as mountains, beaches and saline-alkali lands. It is not suitable to grow food crops, but it can be used as land for planting special energy plants. According to the use of 20% of these lands, about 1 billion tons of biomass are produced each year, and at least 100 million tons of ethanol and biodiesel can be produced each year. From a technical point of view, biomass energy mainly utilizes bio-fermentation technology, while fermentation technology is the smallest technology in China's bio-technology gap. At present, the output of many fermented products in China ranks first in the world. China's 1.5-generation biofuel technology has reached the international advanced level, and successfully transformed the fuel ethanol feedstock, from corn and other food materials to sweet sorghum, sweet potatoes, and cassava. Non-grain raw materials such as straw and sugar cane; biodiesel technology has also entered the phase of research and industrialization; biogas technology has been used for many years; straw comprehensive utilization technology has made major breakthroughs. China's biomass energy technology fully possesses the strength and strength of industrial development. From the viewpoint of energy conservation and security, biomass energy costs are the lowest and are much safer than nuclear energy and coal. For example, after the Three Gorges Power Station completed the first phase of the project, as of 2009, its total investment is about 180 billion yuan, and the annual power generation is 100 billion kWh, equivalent to the energy equivalent of Daqing. The development of biomass energy requires only about 70 billion yuan to create a green celebration. The cost is only about one-third of the cost of the Three Gorges Project. In summary, it can be seen that the industrialization of biomass energy in China is not only a general trend, but also more economical and sustainable.
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