Double-Glass PV Module Dedicated New EVA Film Developed Successfully

Under the background of the rapid development of BIPV, the photovoltaic market puts forward new requirements and new methods for the encapsulation of double-glass solar PV modules. The special EVA film for Lushan double glass modules emerged as the times require.

Recently, in the new processing and manufacturing method of direct assembly of double-glass module manufacturing companies using component laminators, the double-glass solar PV modules using the Deshan double glass module's proprietary EVA film successfully passed mechanical, optical, electrical, and aging performance test series. , It has been applied in batches to the double glass solar energy photovoltaic modules, and has been praised and favored by customers. It has become the preferred packaging material for double glass module manufacturing enterprises.

Lushan double glass module special EVA film can replace polyvinyl butyral (PVB) film, used in double glass solar photovoltaic module packaging, laminator direct lamination completed, low cost and high efficiency, avoid the appearance of double glass components Defects such as air bubbles and shifts; excellent impact modulus, water vapor barrier effect, high insulation resistance and resistance-induced decay (PID) performance, to meet the safety performance requirements of the double glass module falling ball impact test.

The structure of the double glass assembly dedicated double-glass assembly EVA film is shown in Figure 1 below:

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