The customer asked me how to maintain the coupling in the engraving machine?

A few days ago, on my work QQ, a customer consulted the maintenance method of the coupling in my engraving machine. Today, I wrote down its maintenance method and put it on the website, hoping to help customers who have this need.
A few days ago, on my work QQ, a customer consulted the maintenance method of the coupling in my engraving machine. Today, I wrote down its maintenance method and put it on the website, hoping to help customers who have this need. First of all, I tell the customer that the crown gear coupling is the best lubricant for the engraving machine. This kind of coupling can make the engraving machine run safely and reliably, and can also reduce the wear to the greatest extent and protect the long-term use of the machine. .

Good lubrication is a necessary guarantee for the safe and reliable operation of the drum-shaped coupling and also reduces wear. Under the condition that the root bending strength and the tooth surface contact strength are sufficient, the tooth width should be determined with a large degree of coincidence, and the tooth width should not be blindly increased to avoid an unnecessary increase in the structural size. The general tooth width factor is 8-14. The minimum tooth width should be determined by the allowable root stress, taking into account the width required for the force point to be displaced along the tooth width caused by the inter-axis inclination. An important way to improve the service life of the crown gear coupling. The tooth width coefficient affects the root bending strength and the tooth surface contact strength of the tooth, and the larger the tooth width coefficient, the greater the two strengths, the tooth width coefficient affects the coincidence degree, and the value when the tooth width coefficient is less than a certain value range. The increase has a greater influence on the increase of the coincidence degree, and when it is larger than this certain value, the increase of the value of the device has a smaller influence on the increase of the coincidence degree. For the drum-shaped gear coupling of the arc drum curve, the tooth width is still The parameters of the radius of the drum circle and the backlash are determined. The larger the tooth width, the larger the radius of the drum circle and the larger the required backlash.

Therefore, the following requirements are required: the smaller the concentrated load of one tooth is, the better, and the curvature of the tooth surface is proportional to the circumference of the drum, so the radius of the drum circle is as large as possible. The radius of curvature of the drum curve is proportional to the amount of thinning of the inner teeth on one side, so the radius of the drum circle should be as large as possible. The radius of curvature of the drum curve is proportional to the amount of thinning of the inner tooth on one side, that is, it is related to the meshing clearance of the tooth. The insufficient amount of thinning may cause interference, and the thinning amount excessively weakens the strength of the tooth, and the backlash is large. . Everyone has learned the maintenance method. I will update the knowledge of mechanical maintenance related shafts in the near future. Please pay attention to it.
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