From January to May, the output of China's plastic products was released by region.

[ Jizhi Plastics News] Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics announced the statistical analysis of the output of plastic products in 31 regions in China in the first five months of 2016. It can be seen from the data that the output of plastic products of industrial enterprises above designated size in China is 2936.7. Ten thousand tons, an increase of 6.5% year-on-year; of which, the output in May was 6.531 million tons, an increase of 5.5%.

plastic products
From January to May, the output of China's plastic products was released by region.
From January to May, the top five cumulative output of plastic products were Zhejiang 4,013,800 tons, Guangdong 3,468,800 tons, Hubei 2,284,400 tons, Jiangsu 2,819,100 tons, and Henan 2,398,300 tons.

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