Rural lightning strike rate as high as 80% Comprehensive lightning protection is the key

Generally, thunder and lightning are accompanied by the occurrence of strong convective weather. The more convective weather, the greater the frequency of thunder and lightning. According to incomplete statistics, there are thousands of people in China who suffer casualties due to lightning strikes. The direct economic losses caused by lightning strikes reach several billions. Even hundreds of millions of yuan, of which more than 80% of our country's lightning strikes occurred in rural areas, then the data on the number of lightning accidents in rural areas is so large. What causes it?

First of all, in rural areas, people do not have enough scientific understanding of the development process of thunder and lightning as a weather phenomenon, and they have a very weak sense of protection against lightning strikes. Second, after the arrival of summer each year is the period of frequent lightning, but also the busy season, so it will increase from the probability of occurrence. Finally, there is a certain relationship with the specific rural environment. In the rural areas, due to the relatively complex topography or relatively empty fields, it is the most likely place for lightning disasters. We can see that the lightning accidents that lead to casualties in the rural areas are also mainly occurring in the more open fields. This is a big feature of the rural environment.

Question one: The reason why the lightning rate in rural areas is higher than that in the city is due to the difference in housing structure?

At this point, Kejia Electrical Lightning Protection experts stated that the housing structure does not result in different probability of being struck by lightning. The main reason is that the preventive measures are not implemented properly, and the rural buildings are mostly low buildings. When building a house, almost no consideration is given. Install lightning protection equipment. Now that the standard of living has been gradually improved and the number of floors has gradually increased, people’s awareness of lightning protection has not improved. This undoubtedly increases the frequency of lightning disasters.

Therefore, it is advisable that the best plan is to start from the initial stage of building a house, design it in strict accordance with the lightning protection standards of the house, and take appropriate protective measures. Only in this way can lightning damage be avoided. In particular, for areas with frequent lightning, more safety measures should be strengthened.

Question 2: The area where we live is not at a high slope. Why do we have a lightning strike?

Although the building is not in a high slope area, the possibility of being struck by lightning cannot be ruled out, and the lightning protection of the building needs to be protected from the outside and internal protection.

Since many farmers lack mine awareness knowledge, most of them lay cables and telephone lines (cables) overhead. Some even use the antennas directly on the roof of the house. In fact, such external protection is very dangerous and can easily lead to lightning strikes. Once a lightning strike occurs, the induced current caused by lightning current or lightning induction may enter the room along the power or communication lines, damage household appliances, burn home lines, and even cause casualties.

At the same time, we must pay attention to internal protection. We should install lightning protection equipment at the incoming line of power supply and signal lines, such as lightning protection devices and signal lightning protection devices. Many people believe that lightning strikes are only a small probability event and neglect the installation of lightning protection equipment. This is also a rural lightning strike. There is a very important reason for the increase in accidents. Therefore, we must not take any light on mine protection. We must strengthen awareness of mine prevention and do a good job of mine prevention and protection from lightning.

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