Anti-surge valve

In a gas engine, when the turbocharger is operating in a high boost state and the throttle is closed, a large back pressure is generated between the turbocharger and the throttle, which stops the turbocharged compressor impeller. Or the supercharger surges.
The anti-surge valve is a device that prevents the occurrence of surge in the centrifugal gas compressor during operation.

The centrifugal compressor will surge when the output pressure is constant and the flow rate is reduced to a certain value. To prevent surge, keep the flow from entering the surge zone. When the compressor is in operation, as the resistance of the piping system increases, the flow rate will decrease and may fall below the allowable value. The task of the anti-surge system is to automatically open the vent valve through the atmosphere or the bypass valve that is returned to the inlet when the flow rate drops to a certain lower safety limit, increasing the flow through the air compressor and preventing entry into the surge zone. Take the flow safety lower limit as the specified value of the regulator. When the flow measurement value is higher than the specified value, the vent valve is fully closed: when the measured value is lower than the specified value, the regulator outputs a signal, and the vent valve is opened to increase the flow rate. The perfect anti-surge device should be controlled according to the two signals of compressor outlet pressure and flow.

In a gas engine, when the turbocharger is operating in a high boost state and the throttle is closed, a large back pressure is generated between the turbocharger and the throttle, which stops the turbocharged compressor impeller. Or the supercharger surges. When the engine suddenly decelerates, the low pressure of the throttle valve is transmitted to the pressure feedback connector of the surge valve through the surge valve ventilation hose, and the surge valve is opened one-way to close the diaphragm to balance the pressure of the compressor before and after the compressor. To avoid supercharger surge.

The anti-surge valve is a protection device for turbocharged engines that ultimately prevents accelerated wear and fatigue from the turbocharger components.

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Galvanized Gabion

Gabion boxes are made of Galvanized Wire / ZnAl (Golfan) coated wire / PVC coated wires, the mesh shape is hexagonal style. The gabion boxes are used widely in slope protection, foundation pit suporting, mountain rock holding, river and dams scour protection.

Gabion boxes can be supplied in various lengths, widths and heights. In order to strengthen the boxes,all the edges of the structure shall be selvedged with wire of bigger diameter.

Galvanized Gabion,Gabion Woven Wire Basket,Hexagonal Woven Stone Cage,Hexagonal Wire Mesh Cage

Shenzhou City Hongda Hardware Products Co.,Ltd ,