Simply list the types of biometrics

Iris, retina recognition

The iris is colored muscle tissue around the pupil. Research shows that there are many tiny bumps and strips on the iris of the human eye, and its surface characteristics are almost unique. As early as the 1930s, people proposed the idea of ​​using the iris for identification, but it was not until the last two years that the University of Cambridge scientists developed a new coding method, which made the technology really useful. The process of iris recognition is somewhat similar to fingerprint recognition. The scientists first converted the scanned iris image to a 2048-bit digital code and stored it in the calculator database. When the identification is performed, it is only necessary to compare the iris image of the scanned person to be detected with the previously stored digital code to identify the identity. However, using the retina for identification requires the use of laser light to illuminate the back of the eye to obtain the retina's characteristic image. This is not only complicated and expensive, but also can cause some damage to the eye health. Therefore, how to use this biometric identity identification has yet to be further studied.

<br> <br> face recognition face recognition identification is performed according to techniques human facial features, including two kinds of standard video recognition technology and thermal imaging. The standard video recognition is to record the facial features such as the shape, relative position and the like of the eyes, nose, and mouth of a subject through a common camera, and then convert it into a digital signal, and then use a calculator to perform identification. Video facial recognition is a common form of identification and is now widely used in public security. Thermal imaging technology primarily produces facial images by analyzing the thermal radiation generated by facial blood. Unlike video recognition, thermal imaging does not require a good light source and can be used even in dark conditions.

Voice and signature recognition <br> <br> voice and signature recognition belongs to the category of behavior recognition. Voice recognition mainly uses the characteristics of human voices for identity recognition. The advantage of voice recognition is that it is a non-contact recognition technology that is easily accepted by the public. But the sound will be affected by changes in volume, speed of sound, and sound quality. For example, when someone speaks flu and speaks peacefully, there will be a noticeable difference. Furthermore, one can also consciously disguise and control his own voice, which can cause difficulties in identification. Signing is a traditional means of identity authentication. Modern signature identification technology mainly identifies the identity of the signer by measuring the character of the signer and the speed, order, and pressure characteristics between the different strokes. Signing, like voice recognition, is also a measure of behavior. Therefore, it is also affected by human factors.

The Leader in Biometrics - Fingerprinting

Fingerprints are natural features of human beings. After about 14 years old, each person's fingerprint has been stereotyped. Fingerprints are fixed and will not change as people continue to grow. Fingerprints are also unique. Two different people do not have the same fingerprints. Since the famous experimental anthropologists Ge Miden and Flanch published an experimental report in 1888, this feature has been scientifically proven. Fingerprint storage cabinets, which have gone through more than sixty years, have yet to find exactly the same fingerprint cards. Because fingerprints were easy to obtain and possessed the characteristics of “fixed” and “solely”, they were used by Edward Henry as the tool of criminal investigation as early as 1897. Since then, fingerprints have received increasing attention.

At present, the use of fingerprint technology to assist in the rapid and accurate identification of human fingerprints as a basis for identity certification has matured.

The development of biometrics technology mainly started with fingerprint research. It is also the most widely used biometric technology. In the early 19th century, scientific research discovered two important features of fingerprints: one is the fingerprint ridges of two different fingers. Different styles; the second is that the pattern of fingerprint ridges is inborn, and will not change throughout life. To date, fingerprinting has been fully realized. In the detection, as long as the fingerprint feature extracted by the camera is input into the calculator, and through a series of complicated fingerprint recognition algorithm calculations, and compared with the data in the database, the identification process can be completed quickly.

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