The supermarket subcontracting cabinet does not "spit" barcode paper

The supermarket package cabinets can now be seen in the streets. I believe many of my friends have also used this product. It can help us to store some items that are not easy to carry, so that we can fully devote ourselves to what we want to do. Among the things. However, recently, consumers have feedback with us that supermarkets do not send bar code papers. What is going on here? There are four situations in which this phenomenon usually occurs.
The first kind: stuck.
Sometimes, because of the vibration or because the ticket outlet is blocked, the barcode paper jams, and thus the barcode paper does not appear. In this case, we only need to clear the ticket outlet, and then re-arrange the barcode paper. You can.
The second type: barcode paper is gone.
This is a very good solution, usually manufacturers will send us a number of spare bar code paper with the goods, if those are used up, then you can buy in some stationery shop, open the management cabinet door, and then remove the bar code inside the paper roll Replace the new barcode paper.
Supermarket cabinet

The third kind: The system is damaged.
In some cases, damage to the system can also result in the supermarket packet counters failing to output bar code papers. In this case, you can contact the factory directly. If the factory is free for maintenance during the warranty period, if it is not within the warranty period, then we You need to buy the motherboard again.
The fourth kind: the key fails.
We all know that the use of supermarkets to send containers is usually the first to save, and this key as the most used key, is also a possible problem, when this problem occurs, we need to contact the manufacturer to help us solve the replacement Now.

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