Poly Mailers- [The cost of success"!
Why be cheap?
Either pay now or pay later, but regardless you`ll pay something. Haven`t you
heard the slogan [you get what you pay for"? Doesn`t hard work pay off or is it
just the politically correct thing to say? In a world where the anatomy of its
functioning depends on the heartbeat of currency, where if it don`t make
dollars then it don`t make sense (or should I say cents), where the voice of
reason says we must follow suit or else the market place of ideas that
formulates successful trade will go extinct if resources aren`t created to
enhance the pursuit of happiness, where-. (I could on and on and on-). Excuse
me if I`m beginning to go over your head, but I solicit your thinking cap and
invite you to join in a million dollar conversation about one resource that is
gold when it comes to e-commerce, commercial shipping and much more. With that
being said, let`s talk about Poly
Bubble Mailers and how they contribute to [the cost of success"!
Since online
purchasing is the new age ways of shopping and since the majority of items
being shipped are generally small and lightweight, my question is [why are you
choosing to limit your profit percentages by not using shipping mailers"? Poly Bubble Mailers are ideal in various
ways. First they`re able to resist natural element damages like dirt, dust and
moisture due to their polyethylene outer covering. Secondly, their equipped
with an inner lined bubble cushioning that will protect your goods from the
pounding, stacking, and tossing that is unfortunately common practice amongst
third party mailing services. Finally, a bulk quantity affords vendors and individuals
alike to complete mass amounts of shipments without the need to seesaw their
prices due to packaging burdens. Where I`m getting at is this; if boxes,
mailing tubes and paperboard mailers are your only packaging option, you`ll
limit your business the opportunity to competitively offer discounts and price
breaks regularly. Not to mention, some forms of packaging require add on
expenses such as packing tape, cardboard inserts, foam shock protectants or
added bubble cushioning for them to even be effective. These factors are
costly, they dive into profit advancement, they add to labor expenses and you
lose stock space (bummer).
There`s a Remedy-.
There are some
excellent online packaging stores that specialize in complimenting the growth
of your business. Why pay more? Why settle for less? Why lose instead of gain?
As you invest time into viewing online packaging stores, you`ll discover an
abundance of shipping mailers suitable for your demands. Some available resources
like kraft bubble mailers and glamour bubble mailers offer
economical solutions and marketing enhancements for your shipments. In my
opinion, Poly bubble mailers are the middle ground/multi-faceted model amongst those
mailers I previously mentioned. With a variety of sizes, volume based options
and promotion accessibility, you`ll be able to offer product discounts, print
your custom logo and successfully mail your products. Save the headache, reduce
the stress, increase dividends, build notoriety, and grow your business all
with a wiser approach to shipping. Start with the cost saving, success
building, damage freeing Poly Bubble Mailer!
· Inquire about the usable space dimensions
so that you understand the appropriate size Poly Bubble Mailer you`ll need.
· Always check the seal strip
performance (if you don`t need to pry the package open, it`s not premium) so
that your products will remain secured.
· Ask for samples from various
vendors- compare pricing, size/volume options and performance (there are so
many online packaging stores but everyone isn`t top notch).
Well I hope you
benefited from this million dollar conversation (now take that to the bank). I
invite all to leave a comment, sharing your experiences (good or bad) about
shipping with Poly Bubble Mailers. Options are valuable, ideas are priceless,
input is profitable and [time is money"-. This means I must go!
Source: - http://www.packagingsuppliesbymail.com