Buried sewage treatment equipment is widely used in high-class hotels, villas and residential area residential sewage and similar industrial organic wastewater treatment, instead of the removal rate is very low, the treated effluent can not meet the national comprehensive emission standards Septic tank. After field application shows that the integrated buried sewage treatment equipment is a very good treatment effect and easy management of domestic sewage treatment equipment. Buried sewage treatment equipment to remove organic pollutants and ammonia nitrogen mainly rely on equipment in the AO biological treatment process. Buried sewage treatment equipment principle is in the A level, due to the high concentration of sewage organic matter, microorganisms in hypoxia, when the microorganisms facultative microorganisms, they will sewage organic nitrogen transformation into NH3-N, while the use of organic Carbon source as an electron donor, the NO2-N, NO3-N into N2, but also the use of some organic carbon sources and NH3-N synthesis of new cellular material. Therefore, A-level pool not only has a certain function of removing the face, reduce the organic load of the subsequent aerobic pool. Is conducive to the nitrification, and relies on the higher concentrations of organic matter present in the raw water to complete the denitrification and eventually eliminate the eutrophication of nitrogen. At the O level, there is still a certain amount of organic matter and higher NH3-N present in the sewage treatment plant due to the significant reduction in the concentration of organic matter. In order to further oxidize organic matter decomposition, while the carbonization is complete, the nitrification can proceed smoothly. O-level set in the organic load lower aerobic biological contact oxidation pond. In the O-level pool, there are mainly aerobic microorganisms and autoxidation bacteria, in which aerobic microorganisms decompose organic matter into CO2 and H2O; bacteria that make oxygen from oxygen use organic carbon dissolved in organic matter or CO2 in the air as a nutrient source, In the NO2-N, NO3 - NO-level pool effluent flow to the A-level pool. Class A pool to provide electronic acceptors, the final elimination of nitrogen pollution by denitrification. Buried sewage treatment equipment applications: ★ factory life sewage treatment, mine life sewage treatment, the army sewage treatment, school canteen sewage treatment, tourist sewage treatment, highway toll station service station sewage treatment, scenic sewage treatment; ★ Hotel sewage treatment, hotel sewage treatment, sanatorium sewage treatment, hospital sewage treatment; ★ residential district sewage treatment, villa sewage treatment, commercial building sewage treatment, new rural sewage treatment, town sewage treatment; ★ station sewage treatment, airport sewage Treatment, seaport sewage treatment, shipyard sewage treatment; ★ aquatic processing plant sewage treatment, livestock processing plant sewage treatment, milk processing plant sewage treatment and various factory production, domestic sewage treatment; ★ and domestic sewage similar to Industrial wastewater treatment.
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