Pesticide suitable for compounding

Pyrethroid pesticides (such as chlorpyrifos, enemy killing, kungfu, etc.) are mixed with various organophosphate insecticides (such as malathion, dimethoate, omethoate, monocrotophos, etc.) It can effectively delay the development of resistance to pests.
Mixed use of organophosphorus pesticides. Such as trichlorfon and malathion, methyl parathion and trichlorfon, methamidophos and dimethoate, methyl parathion and methamidophos mixed use, have shown a significant synergistic effect.
Mixing between bacterial species. The results show that systemic fungicides such as carbendazim, thiophanate, methyl thiophanate and natural protective agents (such as sulfur) or synthetic protective agents can be used to avoid the resistance of pathogenic bacteria.
Mixing between varieties. If there are many types of weeds in the field, in order to expand the herbicidal range of herbicides, two or more herbicides can be mixed according to the needs of crops, weed species, and farming systems. For example, the combination of Herba Ling and Isoproturon can improve the control effect on wild oats and broadleaf grass; the combination of herbicide and metformin can expand the range of grass killing.
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