Soda ash price information for some companies on November 30

Shandong Haihua soda ash plant was started normally and the company's stock was normal. The price of light alkali was at 1,850 yuan/ton, and the price of heavy alkali was at 1,950 yuan/ton. The actual turnover was flexible.

Hubei Shuanghuan Soda Alkali production capacity of 1.8 million tons of alkali equipment is normal production, the company temporarily does not publicly offer, the market price of light alkali is about 1780 yuan / ton, and the quality of alkali is 1900-2000 yuan / ton, and the transaction is negotiated. The factory price is low.

Tangshan Sanyou soda ash plant is normal, ex-factory price, light alkali in the 1850 yuan / ton, heavier alkali quoted at 2150 yuan / ton, the company inventory is not much, the actual transaction price is flexible, to the quotation to discuss.

Shanxi Fengxi 180,000 tons soda ash plant started normal, its latest factory price of light soda ash is about 1750-1800 yuan / ton, large customer transactions have a small discount. About 550 tons of Nissan, shipped well, inventories not much. Mainly for the local surrounding alumina and glass companies. In October, it produced about 18,000 tons.

The Haijing Alkali soda ash plant in Tongbai County, Henan Province, started normally, and its light alkali production price was about 1,700 yuan/ton, and the company's shipments were normal.

Henan Jinshan Soda Ash Plant starts 7-80%, light alkali is sent to around 1800-1850 yuan / ton, heavier alkali price is sent to about 1950-2000 yuan / ton, the company's inventory is small; actual transaction negotiations.

Hubei Yingcheng Xindu Chemical Soda Ash Plant is still starting to be about 80%, and now its light alkali factory price is 1700-1750 yuan / ton, heavier alkali to the offer in the 2000-2050 yuan / ton, ammonium chloride factory price is 900 (wet) -1000 (dry) yuan/ton, stable shipment.

Shandong Haitian Biochemical Soda Ash Plant was started normally and the inventory was adequate. The price of light alkali was about 1800-1850 yuan/ton, and the heavy alkali was about 1950 yuan/ton. The actual turnover was flexible.

The Yihua Soda Ash Plant in Chongqing was started at full capacity. The factory price of light alkali was RMB 1,750/ton, and the price of heavy alkali was RMB 1900/ton. The company shipped well.

The Xilin Gol Sunit Soda Ash plant has been started at full capacity, and its light alkali has been delivered to Liaoning with prices ranging from 1800-1850 yuan/ton, and the company's shipments are normal.

Kunshan Jinang Industrial Group's soda ash plant starts 8-9 percent, its light alkali price is 1720 yuan / ton, ammonium chloride (wet) factory price is 850-900 yuan / ton, the company shipped normal conditions.

Lianyungang Soda Ash Plant starts at 7-80%, its light alkali factory price is about 1850 yuan / ton, and the quality of heavy alkali is about 2150 yuan / ton, and the shipping situation is stable.

The Kunlun Alkali soda ash production plant in Qinghai has started its normal operation. The factory price of its light alkali is 1,450 yuan/ton, and the company's shipments are normal.

The Hami double soda ash plant in Xinjiang started normally, and the local price of its light alkali was 1700-1750 yuan/ton, and the company shipped normally.

Hefei Sifang Chemical Soda Ash Production Plant starts at full capacity, and its light alkali price is 1900 yuan/ton, and the company's shipment status is stable.

Qinghai Alkali Soda Ash Production Plant starts at full capacity, its light alkali price is 1400 yuan/ton, and the price of heavy alkali is 1,500 yuan/ton. The company's shipment status is normal.

Shaanxi Hanzhong South Soda Ash Plant started 70%. The factory price of its light alkali is 1,700 yuan/ton, and the ammonium chloride (wet) factory price is 850 yuan/ton. The company's shipping condition is normal.

Guangdong Southern alkaline soda ash plant starts at full capacity, its light alkali is delivered to the price of 2100 yuan / ton, and the heavy alkali is sent to the price of 2200 yuan / ton, mostly to implement the contract source, the company shipped stable .

Xiangtan alkali soda plant in Hunan maintains full production, soda ash is temporarily stable, and the factory price of light soda ash is around 1730-1750 yuan per ton, and shipments are stable.

Shijiazhuang lye soda ash plant started at 8-9 percent, soda ash quoted temporarily stable, light soda ash factory price at 1800 yuan / ton, the shipping situation is good.

The 180,000 tons soda ash plant in Lengshuijiang, Hunan Province started working normally, and the soda ash price was temporarily stable. The factory price of light soda ash was around 1700-1750 yuan per ton, and the shipping situation was normal.

Jiangsu Wal-Mart Soda Ash quoted steady, soda ash offer temporarily stable, light soda factory price in 1700 yuan / ton, heavy soda ash to 2,000 yuan / ton, stable shipping conditions.

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