Scientists call diamonds the key to creating high-speed quantum computers

Abstract According to foreign media reports, two groups of researchers found that quantum information (qubits) can be stored in diamond crystals or pure silicon. These two findings mean that scientists are taking an important step forward in the development of quantum computers. Quantum computers will change the world forever. ...

According to foreign media reports, two groups of researchers found that quantum information (quantum bits) can be stored using diamond crystals or pure silicon. These two findings mean that scientists are taking an important step forward in the development of quantum computers. Quantum computers will change the world forever.

Currently, scientists are developing high-performance quantum computers. The complex operation of such a computer in just a few minutes is equivalent to the operation of the current highest performing supercomputer for several years. Quantum computers use a mysterious property of subatomic particles that can exist immediately in two different locations after capture. Nowadays, small-scale quantum computers have emerged and exist in the laboratory's control environment. At present, scientists have not found a way to let quantum computers exist in the real world.

Now, scientists are pushing the limits of the time required to store information in solid-state media under non-vacuum conditions. A research team has developed a device based on ultra-pure silicon that stores data for more than 3 minutes at temperatures below 2 degrees Kelvin ( minus 275 degrees Celsius). Another research team used diamond crystals to store data for 1.4 seconds at room temperature. The findings were published in two papers published in the journal Science.

The silicon-based system was developed by physicist Mike Sevat of Simon Fraser University in Canada and scientists from Oxford University and Berlin. “This is a record for solid-state storage systems. A few years ago, people thought it was impossible to do this. It opened up a new way of using solid-state semiconductors, such as silicon, as the basis for quantum computing. You can do it. What people thought before could only be done in a vacuum environment."

The storage unit of a standard computer is a bit, and 1 bit can exist only in one state, either 0 or 1. In the latest research, scientists use atomic rotation storage and transfer storage. Both research groups used laser and microwave pulses to transfer information from the electron spin qubit to the nuclear spin memory, and then used the pulse to retrieve the data.

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