Anti-static shoes are protective shoes that can eliminate static electricity accumulation in the human body and prevent electric shocks below 250V. Conductive shoes have good electrical conductivity and can eliminate the accumulation of static electricity in the human body in a short period of time. They can only be used in protective shoes without electric shock hazards. This is an important difference from anti-static shoes .
1. Anti-static shoes and conductive shoes have the function of eliminating the accumulation of static electricity in the human body and can be used in flammable and explosive workplaces. However, the difference between the two is that the anti-static shoes can also prevent electric shocks of power devices below 250V, while conductive shoes cannot be used in places where there is a risk of electric shock.
2. Although anti-static shoes have the effect of preventing electric shock, it is prohibited to use them as insulating shoes .
3. When anti-static shoes and conductive shoes are worn, they should not be worn at the same time with insulated thick stockings and insulated insoles.
4. The place where anti-static shoes are used should be an anti-static floor, and the place where conductive shoes are used should be a conductive floor.
5. Anti-static should be used together with anti- static clothing .
6. Anti-static shoes and conductive shoes in the wear process, generally not more than 200H resistance value test should be carried out, if the resistance is not within the specified range, it can not be used as anti-static shoes or conductive shoes.
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The technology and performance of DC Axial Fans have fully reached a mature stage,
and new technologies are constantly emerging. The size of the fan is from 8mm to 280mm, the voltage is 5V, 12V, 24V, 48V, 110V, 220V, 380V, with a square, round, olive shape, etc.The
working principle of the DC fan is realized according to the energy conversion, that is,
electric energy, electromagnetic energy, mechanical energy and kinetic energy. Its circuit principle is generally divided into various forms, the use of different circuits, the performance of the fan will be different.
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In simple terms, by changing the input to the brushless motor stator coil of the alternating current wave frequency and waveform, the formation of a geometric axis to the motor winding coil in magnetic field around the magnetic field of permanent magnet on the rotor rotation, the motor will turn up, the quantity, performance and magnet motor magnetic flux the motor input voltage strength, size and other factors, it has a great relationship with the control performance of the brushless motor, because the input DC current to the electronic governor, into 3 alternating current, also need to receive a control signal from the remote control receiver, control motor speed, in order to meet the need to use model. In general, the structure of the brushless motor is quite simple, really decided its performance or brushless electronic governor, electronic governor to a good overall control a single-chip control program design, circuit design, complex processing process, so the price is much higher than the brush motor.
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DC Axial Fans
Dc Axial Fans,Dc Axial Cooling Fan,Axial Brushless Dc Fan,Cooling Wall Dc Axial Fans
Shenzhen Fusheng Motor Co.,Ltd ,