LCD TVs are one of the home appliances used by almost every household today. However, so many LCD TV products are nowadays, and the "price wars" of major shopping malls rise one after another. Consumers who have no experience in buying LCD TVs look dazzled. , I do not know what points to consider LCD TV purchase. The following Xiao Bian talks about LCD TV shopping tips and points and what to watch for LCD TVs .
LCD TV five shopping tips / points:
1, resolution
For LCD TVs, resolution is one of the important parameters. The resolution of the LCD TV is fixed, unlike the LCD monitor, which can adjust the resolution. The fixed resolution of the LCD TV is also its best resolution, and high resolution can easily be compatible with HDTV. The resolution supported by traditional CRT TVs is more flexible, and the pixel pitch of LCD TVs is already fixed, so the supported display modes are not as much as CRT TVs. The best resolution for LCD TVs is also called the maximum resolution. In this resolution, LCD TVs can show the best image. At present, there are several common resolutions such as 800×600, 1280×768, 1366×768, and 1920×1080.
2, response time
The so-called "response time" is the reaction speed of the LCD screen to the input signal, that is, the response time of the liquid crystal from dark to light or from bright to dark. Obviously, the smaller the "signal response time" indicator, the better. The smaller the response time, the user does not appear to have a similar residual image or a sense of dragging while watching the moving picture. Moreover, the demand for LCD TVs at this point is even higher than that for LCD monitors. Due to the main playback activity and the changing dynamic picture of the television, the shorter the signal response time is, the better the display effect is.
Tip: To view the TV picture from multiple angles, for example, to select the right facing screen from the angle, and then offset some angles, and to stand on the horizontal line with the TV screen to see if the picture can be seen; when the machine is inspected, It can also allow promoters to play some fast-paced screens, see if the screen display action is consistent, and whether the screen hangs.
3, the interface
At present, the best interface standard for LCD TVs is HDMI. This interface can simultaneously transmit digital interfaces for audio and video signals. This not only simplifies the connection, reduces the burden on the connection, but also provides a huge bandwidth for the transmission of digital signals. Machines, computers, home theaters and other devices will all use this interface.
4, the screen is broken
Bad point, which is commonly known as "dead point." The bad point appears on the display panel. It may be a black dot, it may be a green or red dot. The problem of bad spots is one of the biggest problems plaguing LCD TVs. The dead pixels on the liquid crystal display panel cannot be repaired, and only the liquid crystal display panel can be replaced, and the liquid crystal display panel occupies at least 70% of the cost of the entire LCD TV.
Tip: Test a few more monochrome screens at the time of purchase and watch out for any unusual color pixels. The easiest way is to make the screen black and see if there are bright spots in a piece of pure black. Then make the screen white and see if there are black spots. Finally, change to red, green, and blue to check the integrity of the color point. If you find that there are too many dead pixels in the inspection process, it is best not to buy.
5, brightness and contrast
In fact, a product with a brightness of 500 lumens and a contrast ratio of 600:1 is sufficient to meet the viewing needs, rather than the higher the better. Whether the brightness is even or not, and the number of backlight sources and mirrors is closely related to the configuration method. The TV with better quality has even brightness on the screen and there is no obvious bright area.
Tips: You can ask the salesperson to put some discs with special dark scenes under normal lighting conditions when you buy. When the contrast of the TV is adjusted to the middle, see if you can see the details of the picture. And then put some particularly bright pictures, if the picture details are lost, only to see a piece of white flowers, then the contrast is not very good. International brands in this area may be better than small and medium-sized brands. High-priced LCDs are better than cheaper ones. Smaller sizes are better than large ones.
LCD TV purchase notes:
Soft screen and hard screen tricks
Watching TV in the store, you can often hear promoters mention the difference between hard screen and soft screen when introducing the machine. After the explanation of the promoters, they actually say that the fingers have left behind the traces on the LCD screen. If you can see a clear trace after gently sliding it, it means that it is a soft screen, hard screen is difficult to slide out of the traces. So when you like a salesman to bargain, he will tell you that this is a hard screen, and ordinary soft screen is not the same, the price of a soft screen machine can, and then casually refers to a worn model.
Answer: Actually, soft screen and hard screen have nothing to do with the quality of the LCD panel. It is hard to say that the high screen quality of the hard screen is unconstrained, because the relationship between the hard screen and the soft screen is the characteristic of the two types of panels. For example, the comet's S-PVA panel is a soft-screen design, characterized by true colors and high contrast. LPL's IPS panel is a hard-screen design, featuring bright colors, large viewing angles, and fast response. The above two types of panels all belong to the high-end panel. Can you say that I-Star's S-PVA is not as good as IPS? Therefore, there is no need to spend too much money on such promoters.
The panel type is also tricky
LCD TV 70% of the cost comes from the LCD panel, promoters often make use of this to make a fuss, such as which products use the Sharp screen, Hao Xing screen and the like, in fact, they do not know what is the screen. For consumers, it is easy to be deceived. In fact, this is not to say that the Comet screen is certainly good, nor is it that the screen in Taiwan is certainly not good. The key is to rely on the display technology and the DAC panel driver. A good picture quality is not only created by the panel.
Information on what to pay attention to buy LCD TVs for everyone to introduce here, I hope this article helps everyone. If you still have something you don't understand, you can leave a message to Xiaobian at the bottom. We will answer your questions as soon as possible.
TV TV purchase
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