In the network video monitoring system system, the role of the front-end subsystem is mainly to realize the collection of audio, video data, switch alarm data of the monitoring point, audio and video coding compression and network transmission. The front-end equipment mainly includes:
1. Image coding equipment (digital video recorder DVR, embedded video server, network camera);
2. Audio and video acquisition equipment (camera, pickup);
3. PTZ / PTZ decoder;
4. Alarm input / output devices (switching devices, alarms, etc.).
Technical Material
An active ingredient (AI) is the ingredient in a pharmaceutical drug that is biologically active. The similar terms active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and bulk active are also used in medicine, and the term active substance may be used for natural products. Some medication products may contain more than one active ingredient. The traditional word for the API is pharmacon or pharmakon (from Greek: φάÏμακον, adapted from pharmacos) which originally denoted a magical substance or drug.
Technical Material
Imidacloprid Chlorpyrifos,Herbicide Paraquat,Insecticide Nitenpyram Tc,Purity Nitenpyram