SMITH Fluid For Water Treatment Introduces New EasiDrive Valve
The new EasiDrive portable valve drive from SMITH Fluid Controls Ltd. makes it easy for water and wastewater industry workers to operate valves. The portable, lightweight drive system is highly adaptable and operates with many different types of valves, including the largest gate and butterfly valves, all in one simple tool. Thanks to the versatility of the EasiDrive, it is a cost-effective alternative to installing a permanent actuator for each valve. EasiDrive's adapters and reaction devices provide safe valve operation for water and wastewater industry personnel by diverting reaction forces from the drive. Its variable torque output ensures that it can handle multiple valves that require different torques and that the operator can select the torque output to prevent over-torque and damage to the valve while continuing to drive so that it does not damage the valve as an impact wrench. EasiDrive drives provide a variety of power sources [12.66 0.32%] Options: Electric, Hydraulic or Pneumatic, for maximum user convenience. EasiDrive portable valve