Design better products with SolidWorks Premium

What kind of product is a better product?

Designers, engineers, managers, and manufacturers have different opinions about what makes a better product, depending on their job function and industry role. In short, the answer to this question stems from people's perceptions, and they have their own life experiences, all with a unique set of criteria, which in turn affects their perception. Although “better products” have different meanings for different people, the following six key elements can usually explain its characteristics:

1. Can reduce manufacturing costs. In particular, management wants to manufacture products in the most cost-effective way. In an effort to improve the manufacturability of their products, they wanted to streamline the overall process, reduce operating management costs, and use less expensive raw materials.

2. Accelerate the process of delivery to customers, prior to the listing of competitors. Managers are very concerned about whether their products can be listed before competitive products because they can capture an overwhelming market share. Similarly, in the eyes of corporate customers, being able to deliver quickly means often better products, especially when they need to correct problems in the company or need to seize fleeting opportunities. Even design engineers connect better products with simplified design and development cycles.

3. Increases production, requires less maintenance, and requires less downtime. For industrial companies and manufacturing companies, maximizing production and uptime is a measure of better products, from packaging machinery and molds, tools and stamping equipment, to material processing machinery and energy and process systems. Buyers of high-precision tooling, milling machines and packaging equipment also rely heavily on operational accuracy and repeatability.

4. Install correctly at one time. For manufacturers in all industries, whether they are mass-produced consumer products or custom-made machines, they want to avoid the coordination and functional issues that hinder the assembly of the shop or field parts. They need to be convinced that better products will be able to be installed repeatedly, with no interference or scratches between the parts. By building this confidence in the minds of customers, the need for prototype development can be reduced, resulting in significant cost savings for the company.

5. More beautiful. Whether it's designing a DVD player or an industrial machine, the sleek look will always be appreciated. Products with organic shapes, complex geometries and rounded luster are often considered to be of higher quality, especially in the consumer goods market.

6. Improve efficiency or be more environmentally friendly. As corporate citizenship includes more social responsibility, managers and consumers are also demanding more active participation in “green” actions, including energy conservation, waste reduction and the use of suspicious materials. For many people, better products are manufactured in a more efficient and environmentally friendly way, such as reducing the number of prototypes and adopting more energy-efficient processes.

With SolidWorks Premium, you can generate better, more useful output for use in manufacturing. Many manufacturers use CAM technology that relies on 3D CAD rather than 2D CAD data. For example, 3D to 5 axis CNC machining operations, rapid prototyping, and mold design often require 3D models, which can be referenced when creating CNC tool paths.

With SolidWorks Premium, you no longer need to spend money and time to recreate 2D drawings into 3D solid models, because the original environment is inherently three-dimensional. By using customer-supplied 3D CAD data to create toolpaths, you can greatly reduce the risk of introducing errors when manufacturers need to recreate 3D models from 2D drawings.

In addition, SolidWorks Premium enables you to export drawings and images in common 2D formats including DWG, DXFTM, JPEG, and PDF. This is especially cost-effective in manufacturing operations that require water jets, laser cutting, or even 2.5-axis machining. With SolidWorks software, you can also generate more accurate quotes. With built-in reuse and automation, you can capture, archive, and view cost-related information from pre-projects that use the same part or supplier, allowing you to maintain higher profit margins. Because SolidWorks Premium has the ability to generate virtual prototypes, eliminating the need for costly physical prototypes, you can reduce your expenses.

Collaboration is the key to the success of any business initiative. By communicating ideas and inspiring innovation and creativity, product design, development, manufacturing and delivery can be accelerated. To simplify the product development process, SolidWorks Premium provides powerful collaboration capabilities.

With SolidWorks eDrawings®, you can share product design information with anyone at any location by simply adding the file as an attachment to an email. The eDrawings file provides a detailed and detailed representation of 3D models and 2D drawings. With eDrawings' annotation capabilities, design teams can get feedback and feedback for quick response and revision, helping to speed the review and decision making process.

With the feature recognition capabilities of SolidWorks software, you can also import and export 2D and 3D geometry data from other CAD systems and recreate them into SolidWorks original files. The imported part can be treated as an entity or it can be automatically broken down into individual design features. With SolidWorks software, you can even edit individual features directly by simply clicking on the imported geometry. This feature not only increases the value of the converted file, but also eliminates time-consuming model rebuild tasks. However, in order to speed up delivery to customers and time to market, tools must be available to speed product design. SolidWorks Premium offers a number of tools to help you shorten your design cycle while reducing design costs and increasing productivity.

With SolidWorks Premium's visualization and animation capabilities, you can effectively communicate your ideas in 3D, making it easy for design teams, suppliers, and customers to “see” the manufactured products with 3D images, video, or animation. 3D visualization and animation tools speed up design feedback, modification, and correction by improving the overall understanding and communication process. These tools represent the most advanced CAD technology and enable users to see the look of the finished product.

When you make a design change, SolidWorks Premium automatically updates the drawing view, so you don't have to reopen all the views and manually complete the changes for each view. However, if you use other CAD systems to make changes to the part, you must ensure that these changes are reflected in all parts of the part, from part drawings to assembly drawings. With SolidWorks Premium, you can rely on this software to implement all the changes you make and automatically track and identify where the parts are used, including sub-assemblies, high-level assemblies, and drawings.

SolidWorks Premium can even handle your most complex assemblies. With SolidWorksPremium's large assembly lightweight mode, Select Open, SpeedPak and more, you can easily manipulate large assemblies with tens of thousands of parts, just like assemblies that have only a few parts.

In addition, SolidWorks Premium always produces accurate and up-to-date bills of materials (BOMs).

When changes are made to parts and assemblies, their automatic update feature modifies the BOM immediately. With this detailed list, you always know which parts and parts you need. This way, you can prevent any delay at the last moment due to a BOM error. Fast learning curve – Easy to use SolidWorks Premium's ease of use is unparalleled. By eliminating the complexity of 3D modeling and minimizing the learning curve, you can focus on innovation challenges and design development. Minimize click and mouse movements with intuitive user interaction, Instant3D modeling, intuitive display controls, and customizable shortcut menus. For example, most operations can be performed directly in a 3D model environment. The intuitive user interface provided by SolidWorks makes it easy to find the features you need. You don't have to select and click on the sidebar's menu to quickly create and click on a sketch using the Instant3D feature to create 3D geometry. Instant3D is also very useful when you need to modify the model. Simply click, drag, and modify the geometry (such as fillet radius or chamfer dimension) and the model geometry is updated immediately.

SolidWorks Smart Feature Technology (SWIFTTM) is another innovative tool set that can help you design like an expert even if you are a novice. SWIFT handles many of the specialized techniques required in the 3D modeling process to ensure that the geometry is designed to meet expectations. Features such as filleting, drafting, sketching dimensions, and even assembling parts can be confusing for people who are using 3D CAD for the first time. SWIFT automatically manipulates your 3D CAD data to give you exactly what you need. For example, you might want to add a sketch to a model that has been fully rounded. Once you select the face to be drafted, SWIFT will automatically determine how to manipulate the surrounding geometry to achieve the desired result (draft face), even if the surrounding edges are rounded. In this way, SWIFT takes on a large part of the CAD workload with built-in highly specialized CAD knowledge. Another effective way to shorten the design development cycle is reuse and standardization. Parts are often very similar in configuration (1⁄4-inch, 1⁄2-inch, and 3⁄4-inch screw design requirements), so using existing designs is far more efficient than creating new designs. With SolidWorks' configuration capabilities, you can easily create a design configuration by filling out a spreadsheet. Click on an instance and the corresponding configuration will be created automatically. SolidWorks Premium also leverages DriveWorksXpress® to help accelerate design development. As a powerful automation tool, DriveWorksXpress automates repetitive design tasks by capturing useful design rules within SolidWorks and automatically generating assemblies, drawings, and models. Because the platform is fully configurable, you can configure your work in an environment that is easy to design for reuse and standardization, resulting in a high degree of customization. DriveWorksXpress also captures and accesses important information about previous projects, such as the cost incurred, the length of the lead time, and the vendor used. By using this historical data, highly accurate quotes can be made, which helps to maintain higher profit margins.

CAD library

As a designer, you spend a lot of time looking for content, such as fasteners, supplier parts, and even existing designs in your own company. Because SolidWorks Premium provides powerful search engine capabilities, you can find and use any SolidWorks file or drawing file, whether it's locally, in the design library, on the network, in SolidWorks Workgroup PDM (Product Data Management) software It is still in online form in 3D ContentCentrall®. If you are looking for prefabricated 3D models, SolidWorks offers a variety of solutions, including:

3D ContentCentral. With this online parts catalog, 3D models and 2D drawings of supplier-certified parts can be downloaded directly from the main supplier to the design. You only need to get the existing data you need and put it into your design.

Design library. Here you can save frequently used features that you have created and access them when you need them. It is also possible to store a variety of standard, vendor-specific, and in-house design inventory in a central location to facilitate reuse and provide a platform for unified application company standards.

Standard parts library. Here, you can access standard parts and use the SolidWorks Smart Parts feature to automatically select the right fasteners and assemble them in the correct order to ensure the design meets industry and company standards. Two additional SolidWorks Premium tools make it easy to reuse and standardize. With DesignClipart, you can extract views, blocks, tables, and images from DWG files, as well as extract sketches and features from SolidWorks parts and assemblies. They can then be reused in new SolidWorks designs without having to manually recreate the geometry. With SolidWorks Design Checker, you can automatically identify elements that may not meet your company's design criteria to find and correct potential errors before the design is released.

Special tools to complete custom design tasks

SolidWorks Premium provides specialized tools for customizing design activities such as:

Frame weldment. With this feature, you can design weldments by drawing a frame layout and selecting a structural cross section for each component, including the ability to trim components and create welds, top covers, and gussets.

Sheet metal parts. These design features include: edge flanges, miter flanges, selective folding/unfolding, slitting, tearing, and automatic cut-release slots. Designing in a horizontal or curved state is equally flexible and automatically generates a flat pattern.

Pipe design and power wiring. Automate the design of the routing of tubes, pipes, power cables and harnesses to simplify the design of machinery, equipment or small installations. SolidWorks Premium also simplifies design development with libraries of system accessories, harness documentation, and drag-and-drop components that include special routing.

Mold and stamping tools. With this feature, you can import part geometry from other CAD systems or use SolidWorks files to make downstream molds and punch tools. Find and repair drafts, identify and correct undercut and thickness problems, and find parting lines and surfaces for quick and easy extraction of core, cavity or side core geometry.

ECAD/MCAD integration. With CircuitWorksTM capabilities, two-way collaboration between electrical and mechanical design engineers ensures that printed circuit boards (PCBs) are suitable for and functioning in mechanical products. By enhancing communication between these two areas, CircuitWorks simplifies the design development process, reduces design errors, and creates more accurate 3D PCB models that help improve design and product quality.

Design inspection. Before the design release is put into production, it can be thoroughly reviewed by the automated Design Checker to ensure that the documents and models meet company standards.

Other frequently run checks. Two of the same parts can be found with SolidWorks Premium

The difference between the versions. You can also quickly identify and highlight geometry that can affect downstream applications, such as manufacturing, due to problems.

With SolidWorks Workgroup PDM, SolidWorks Premium also speeds up the design process. As a powerful product data management tool, SolidWorks Workgroup PDM controls the version of CAD files and manages project data safely and efficiently. It automatically captures design metadata and file revision records, giving you immediate access to the files you need, identifying the users who processed them, and pinpointing when changes occurred. Finally, the simulation capabilities in SolidWorks Premium provide virtual prototyping so you can reduce the amount of time you typically spend on manufacturing and testing physical prototypes. This feature significantly accelerates the delivery of products to customers and to the market.

Ensuring greater performance, less downtime and less maintenance When developing industrial or manufacturing equipment and machinery in a three-dimensional environment, it is helpful to ensure that the product will function as expected after installation. If industrial machinery fails to function as expected or often requires repairs and adjustments, the customer's entire assembly line or production line may not function properly, causing them to lose millions of dollars in revenue. Therefore, design engineers need modeling tools that can accurately solve complex problems, such as: Can this packaging machine achieve and maintain high output speed? How will this machine respond to different load conditions? How do the various parts of this machine interact? Are there parts that are prone to damage?

SolidWorks Premium provides the design verification tools you need to use to ensure that your product meets or exceeds performance requirements without having to build and test a physical prototype. Since an industrial machine can contain thousands of complex parts, prototyping can be greatly reduced if the machine performance can be determined digitally. With SolidWorks Premium, you can analyze the impact of motion on product performance, determine how fast the machine can accelerate, and let the machine be subjected to changing environmental forces and study its response. It is also possible to investigate whether the use of lighter materials will affect the durability of the product, how the alternative manufacturing method will affect the operation of the machine, and whether the individual components will collide with each other when moving inside.

SolidWorks Premium includes the following simulation and verification features:

SolidWorks Simulation. With this design verification and optimization tool for stress, strain and displacement analysis for parts and assemblies, you can improve product quality by identifying vulnerable or faulty areas. Initial inspection of the design can be performed without any manufacturing cost and the structural integrity of the part can be verified.

SolidWorks Motion. This software allows you to study the physical characteristics of moving assemblies, helping to optimize design and increase reliability. With SolidWorks Motion, you can estimate motor torque peaks, analyze performance during robot operation, adjust motor/driver size, and determine power consumption. In addition to designing the chain lock layout and developing the cam, it is also possible to analyze the gear drive, adjust the size of the spring/damper, determine how the contact parts move and minimize the force imbalance of the rotating system.

SolidWorks FloXpressTM. You can use this wizard-based tool to simulate the flow and cooling of a liquid and display the results as a cutting datum or flow path. Providing a one-time, correctly installed product When it comes to product assembly, customers and manufacturers do not want to have an accident. Parts that cannot be installed as expected, whether in a high-volume production environment or in a specialized custom production environment, can cause significant setbacks and delays that can damage a company's reputation or financial performance. With SolidWorks Premium, you can ensure that your product is installed correctly the first time, eliminating the need for time-consuming rework. With these powerful features, you can automatically check for interference, collisions, hole alignment, and gap conditions.

With the TolAnalyst feature, you can perform automated tolerance overlay analysis and determine the effects of tolerances on parts and assemblies, including minimum/maximum worst case analysis and RSS maximum/minimum tolerance overlay analysis. With TolAnalyst, you can verify tolerance and dimensioning schemes and then quickly make the necessary changes until you get the desired tolerance stacking results.

SolidWorks Premium also includes extensive assembly document creation capabilities. The 3D assembly model quickly and easily displays an "explosive" engineering view, enabling assemblers and producers to zoom in and out of the parts in the view so they can see the details more clearly. Use eDrawings files and animation tools to interact with the model (rotate them, see the animation while the machine is running, and even “experience” your design in a virtual way) to better understand how the parts fit together . Thanks to the associated capabilities of SolidWorks Premium, the BOM is guaranteed to be accurate and up-to-date. As long as you change parts and assemblies, the BOM is automatically updated. Creating a more beautiful product For some products, especially those in the consumer goods market, the stylish look is usually more popular than the practical features. SolidWorks Premium provides some of the features you need to make your product look better:

Organic shape. Use SolidWorks software to create complex solid geometry (such as scanning and blending), as well as create continuous curved surfaces of curvature for industrial designers, all in the same modeling environment.

Photo-realistic display. With SolidWorks, you can create photorealistic images and view models in real time. Working in a three-dimensional environment that renders products realistically, you can analyze design options and make changes that might not have been possible. For example, if you choose chrome as the polishing material on the surface of the product, you can see from the SolidWorks photo-realistic display that the overall effect of the product is too bright, so you can be sure that you should choose another material.

Reverse engineering, output to rapid prototyping and CNC machining. Many designers still use non-digital format to engrave and work, and ScanTo3D allows you to scan conceptual sketches and artifact models into SolidWorks, recreating the geometry and rendering the finished design in 3D solid form. These models can then be sent to rapid prototyping or CNC machining, or the mold can be created from the corresponding geometry.

Make products more efficient or environmentally friendly

Designs developed with SolidWorks Simulation not only improve product performance, but also reduce the environmental impact of the product while saving customers money. For example, SolidWorks Simulation can be used to design a product that is lighter than originally expected, thus saving energy during product operation. In addition, virtual prototyping capabilities greatly reduce the need for physical prototypes, further reducing waste, energy consumption and associated prototyping costs. The SOLIDWORKS DESIGN INSIGHT feature provides graphical feedback on where materials can be removed from the design to reduce weight without sacrificing design integrity. In addition, SolidWorks Design Checker can be used to identify and modify non-compliant environmental standards (such as the European Union's Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, which prohibits the introduction of design elements for electronic devices with hazardous materials exceeding specified limits). By using SolidWorks DesignChecker, you can ensure that your product meets the requirements from the very beginning of the product development cycle.

to sum up

SolidWorks Premium CAD software provides advanced features to help you design better products, from design, automation and simulation to verification, collaboration and data management, all in one complete package. While designers, managers, suppliers, and manufacturers may be different in how they define better products, they all agree that a better product has six important characteristics:

1. Lower manufacturing costs 2. Accelerate the process of delivery to customers, before the competitors go on the market 3. Can increase production, require less maintenance, and have shorter downtime 4. One-time correct installation 5. More beautiful 6. More efficient or environmentally friendly

SolidWorks Premium meets all of these guidelines with its powerful built-in capabilities, allowing you to focus on what you do best, designing better products.

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