Scope This standard specifies the safety requirements and inspection procedures for the selection, installation, use, and maintenance of electrical equipment in explosive gas or flammable dust environments.
This standard does not apply to the following environments:
- underground coal mine;
- explosives manufacturing and processing sites;
--Medical room.
000012 Normative references The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, become provisions of this standard. For dated reference documents, all subsequent amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard. However, all parties that have reached an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For undated references, the latest version is applicable to this standard.
GB3836.1-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 1: General requirements (eqvIEC60079-0:1998)
GB3836.3-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 3: Increased safety "e" (eqvIEC60079-7: 1990)
GB3836.4-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 4: Intrinsically safe "i" (eqvIEC60079-11:1999)
GB3836.5-2004 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 5: Positive pressure enclosure type "p" (MODIEC60079-2:2001)
GB3836.13-1997 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 13: Overhaul of electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres (eqvIEC60079-19:1993)
GB3836.14-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 14: Classification of hazardous locations (idt IEC 60079-10:1995)
GB3836.15-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 15: Electrical installation in hazardous areas (except mines) (idt IEC 60079-17:2002)
GB12476.1-2000 Electrical apparatus for flammable dust environment - Part 1: Electrical apparatus protected by enclosure and limited surface temperature (idtIEC61241-1-1:1999)
GB12476.2-2006 Electrical apparatus for flammable dust environment - Part 1: Electrical equipment protected by enclosure and restricted surface temperature - Section 2: Selection, installation and maintenance of electrical equipment (idtIEC61241-1-2:1999)
GB/T18380.1 ~ 18380.3-2001 Fire test of cables under fire conditions (idtIEC60332)
GB/T14823.1-1993 Special requirements for conduits for electrical installations - Metal conduits (eqvIEC60614-2-1:1982)
GB16895 Electrical installations of buildings GB50058-1992 Code for design of electrical installations for explosion and fire hazardous environments IEC60364 Electrical installations for buildings ISO4225:1994 General characteristics of air quality 000013 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
Electrical equipment electricalapparatus
It is the whole or part of any equipment that uses electric energy, such as power generation, transmission, distribution, storage, electricity measurement, regulation, current conversion, electrical equipment, and telecommunication engineering equipment.
Explosive environment explosiveatmosphere
Under atmospheric conditions, gases, vapours, mists, or dust combustible materials form a mixture with air. After ignition, the combustion will be transmitted to the entire unburned mixture.
Explosive gas environment explosivegasatmosphere
Under atmospheric conditions, gases, vapours or mists of combustible material form a mixture with the air. After ignition, the combustion will be transmitted to the entire unburned mixture.
Combustible dust environment combustibledustatmosphere
In atmospheric conditions, after ignition of a mixture of dust or fibrous flammable material and air, combustion is transmitted to the entire unburned mixture.
Hazardous place hazardousarea
The number of explosive atmospheres or flammable dust environments that occur or are expected to occur in sufficient quantities to require areas that require special precautions for the construction, installation and use of electrical equipment.
Non-hazardous place non-hazardousarea
The expected number of explosive gas atmospheres or flammable dust environments is insufficient to require areas where special precautions are taken against the structure, installation and use of electrical equipment.
Normal operation
The operation of the equipment meets the mechanical and electrical design requirements and operates within the limits specified by the manufacturer.
An explosion-protected version of an electrical device whose housing is capable of withstanding a flammable mixture that permeates into the interior of the housing through any joint or structural gap of the housing and explodes inside without damage, and does not cause external formation of one or more gases or vapors The ignition of the explosive atmosphere.
00001 Note: Explosion-proof versions of flameproof enclosures are commonly referred to as flameproof types and are indicated by the letter “dâ€.
Increased safety "e" increasedsafety "e"
Measures shall be taken to further improve the safety of electrical equipment that will not generate arcs or sparks under normal operating conditions, and to prevent the possibility of hazardous temperatures, arcs, and sparks in electrical equipment.
Intrinsically safe electrical equipment "i"intrinsicallysafeelectricalapparatus "i"
All internal circuits are intrinsically safe circuits of electrical equipment. Intrinsically safe circuits refer to any spark or any thermal effect that occurs under standard conditions (including normal operation and specified fault conditions) that do not ignite a prescribed explosive atmosphere. Circuit.
Positive pressure shell type electrical equipment "p" pressurizedenclosureselectricalapparatus "p"
An electrical device having a positive pressure enclosure, ie, the enclosure can maintain the pressure of the internal gas above the ambient atmospheric pressure, and can prevent the entry of an external explosive mixture.
Oil-immersed electrical equipment "o"oil-immersionelectricalapparatus "o"
An electrical device that immerses the components of an electrical or electrical device entirely in oil or other protective fluid so that the device cannot ignite an explosive mixture above or on the outside of the enclosure.
Sand-filled electrical equipment "q" powderfillingelectricalapparatus "q"
A shell is filled with sand or other filler material so that under the conditions of use specified, the arc generated within the shell, the propagating flame, or the overheating of the surface of the shell or filling material does not ignite the surrounding explosive mixture of electrical equipment.
Encapsulated electrical equipment "m" encapsulationelectricalapparatus "m"
An electrical device that encapsulates an entire piece of equipment or parts in a potting compound that cannot ignite the surrounding explosive mixture under normal operation and an approved overload or approved fault.
N-type electrical equipment "n" non-sparkingelectricalapparatus "n"
An electrical device that does not generate sparks that cause ignition or exceed the maximum surface temperature that is limited by temperature groups during normal operation or under abnormal conditions as specified by the standard or manufacturer.
Maintenance maintenance
Keeping or restoring the product to the state that meets the requirements of the relevant technical conditions, and realize the comprehensive activities of its required functions.
Inspection inspection
In order to obtain a safe and reliable conclusion for the operation of the equipment, detailed inspection activities are carried out without dismantling or partially dismantling equipment, supplemented by some test measures.
Visual inspection visualinspection
Use naked eyes instead of testing equipment or tools to identify significant defects such as missing bolts.
General inspection (professional) closeinspection
Including visual inspections and the use of testing equipment, such as stepladders (required places) and tools, to identify significant defects such as loose bolts.
00002 Note: Normal inspections generally do not require the enclosure to be opened or the equipment to be powered off.
Detailed inspection detailinspection
This includes general inspections and inspections where only the enclosure is open and/or (if necessary) tools or testing equipment is used to identify significant defects, such as loose terminal connections.
Initial inspection initialinspection
All electrical equipment, systems and devices are inspected before being put into operation.
Periodic inspection of periodicicinspection
Routine inspection of all electrical equipment, systems and equipment.
Continuous supervision of continuoussupervision
Regular maintenance, inspection, management, monitoring and maintenance of electrical devices by professional technicians experienced in professional installation and its use environment, in order to maintain the explosion-proof performance of the device in good condition.
Dust dust
Precipitated in the atmosphere by its own weight, but also suspended solids in the air for a certain period of time, solid particles (including dust and particles as defined in ISO4225).
Combustible dust combustibledust
It may be burned or smoldering after mixing with air and forms an explosive mixture with air under normal temperature and pressure.
Conductive dust conductivedust
A dust, fiber, or flying object with a resistivity equal to or less than 1×103Ω•m.
Dust layer minimum ignition temperature minimumignitiontemperatureofadustlayer
The minimum temperature at which a prescribed thickness of the dust layer ignites on the hot surface.
Dust cloud minimum ignition temperature minimumignitiontemperatureofadustcloud
The dust cloud contained in the air in the furnace shows the lowest temperature of the inner wall of the furnace when it ignites.
Anti dust dust ignition dustignitionprotection
The national standard GB 12476.1 applies to all measures (such as preventing the entry of dust and limiting the surface temperature) on electrical equipment to avoid ignition of dust or dust clouds.
The standard includes two different types of electrical equipment, type A and type B. Both types have the same level of protection.
Enclosure that can block all visible dust particles from entering.
Dust-proof enclosure dust-protected enclosure
Do not completely prevent the entry of dust, but the amount of its entry will not interfere with the safe operation of the device. Dust should not accumulate in the enclosure where ignition hazards may occur.
Maximum surface temperature maximumsurfacetemperature
The maximum gas surface temperature is the highest temperature at which the surface or any part of the electrical equipment may reach and may ignite the surrounding explosive gas atmosphere when the electrical equipment is operating under the most adverse conditions allowed.
The highest surface temperature of the dust refers to the maximum temperature reached by any part of the surface of the electrical equipment when tested under specified dust-free or dust-covered conditions.
00003 Note: This temperature is achieved under test conditions. Due to the heat insulation of the dust, the temperature increases as the dust thickness increases.
Permissible maximum surface temperature maximumpermissiblesurfacetemperature
In order to avoid ignition of dust, the maximum temperature reached by the surface of the electrical equipment is allowed in actual operation. The maximum allowable surface temperature depends on the type of dust, the layer thickness, and the safety factor used.
Symbols "U" and "U"symbols
A symbol indicating that the product is an Ex element after being added to the explosion-proof certificate number.
Symbol "X" "X" symbol
A symbol that indicates the safe use of specified conditions following the explosion-proof certificate number.
This standard does not apply to the following environments:
- underground coal mine;
- explosives manufacturing and processing sites;
--Medical room.
000012 Normative references The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, become provisions of this standard. For dated reference documents, all subsequent amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard. However, all parties that have reached an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For undated references, the latest version is applicable to this standard.
GB3836.1-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 1: General requirements (eqvIEC60079-0:1998)
GB3836.3-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 3: Increased safety "e" (eqvIEC60079-7: 1990)
GB3836.4-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 4: Intrinsically safe "i" (eqvIEC60079-11:1999)
GB3836.5-2004 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 5: Positive pressure enclosure type "p" (MODIEC60079-2:2001)
GB3836.13-1997 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 13: Overhaul of electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres (eqvIEC60079-19:1993)
GB3836.14-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 14: Classification of hazardous locations (idt IEC 60079-10:1995)
GB3836.15-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 15: Electrical installation in hazardous areas (except mines) (idt IEC 60079-17:2002)
GB12476.1-2000 Electrical apparatus for flammable dust environment - Part 1: Electrical apparatus protected by enclosure and limited surface temperature (idtIEC61241-1-1:1999)
GB12476.2-2006 Electrical apparatus for flammable dust environment - Part 1: Electrical equipment protected by enclosure and restricted surface temperature - Section 2: Selection, installation and maintenance of electrical equipment (idtIEC61241-1-2:1999)
GB/T18380.1 ~ 18380.3-2001 Fire test of cables under fire conditions (idtIEC60332)
GB/T14823.1-1993 Special requirements for conduits for electrical installations - Metal conduits (eqvIEC60614-2-1:1982)
GB16895 Electrical installations of buildings GB50058-1992 Code for design of electrical installations for explosion and fire hazardous environments IEC60364 Electrical installations for buildings ISO4225:1994 General characteristics of air quality 000013 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
Electrical equipment electricalapparatus
It is the whole or part of any equipment that uses electric energy, such as power generation, transmission, distribution, storage, electricity measurement, regulation, current conversion, electrical equipment, and telecommunication engineering equipment.
Explosive environment explosiveatmosphere
Under atmospheric conditions, gases, vapours, mists, or dust combustible materials form a mixture with air. After ignition, the combustion will be transmitted to the entire unburned mixture.
Explosive gas environment explosivegasatmosphere
Under atmospheric conditions, gases, vapours or mists of combustible material form a mixture with the air. After ignition, the combustion will be transmitted to the entire unburned mixture.
Combustible dust environment combustibledustatmosphere
In atmospheric conditions, after ignition of a mixture of dust or fibrous flammable material and air, combustion is transmitted to the entire unburned mixture.
Hazardous place hazardousarea
The number of explosive atmospheres or flammable dust environments that occur or are expected to occur in sufficient quantities to require areas that require special precautions for the construction, installation and use of electrical equipment.
Non-hazardous place non-hazardousarea
The expected number of explosive gas atmospheres or flammable dust environments is insufficient to require areas where special precautions are taken against the structure, installation and use of electrical equipment.
Normal operation
The operation of the equipment meets the mechanical and electrical design requirements and operates within the limits specified by the manufacturer.
An explosion-protected version of an electrical device whose housing is capable of withstanding a flammable mixture that permeates into the interior of the housing through any joint or structural gap of the housing and explodes inside without damage, and does not cause external formation of one or more gases or vapors The ignition of the explosive atmosphere.
00001 Note: Explosion-proof versions of flameproof enclosures are commonly referred to as flameproof types and are indicated by the letter “dâ€.
Increased safety "e" increasedsafety "e"
Measures shall be taken to further improve the safety of electrical equipment that will not generate arcs or sparks under normal operating conditions, and to prevent the possibility of hazardous temperatures, arcs, and sparks in electrical equipment.
Intrinsically safe electrical equipment "i"intrinsicallysafeelectricalapparatus "i"
All internal circuits are intrinsically safe circuits of electrical equipment. Intrinsically safe circuits refer to any spark or any thermal effect that occurs under standard conditions (including normal operation and specified fault conditions) that do not ignite a prescribed explosive atmosphere. Circuit.
Positive pressure shell type electrical equipment "p" pressurizedenclosureselectricalapparatus "p"
An electrical device having a positive pressure enclosure, ie, the enclosure can maintain the pressure of the internal gas above the ambient atmospheric pressure, and can prevent the entry of an external explosive mixture.
Oil-immersed electrical equipment "o"oil-immersionelectricalapparatus "o"
An electrical device that immerses the components of an electrical or electrical device entirely in oil or other protective fluid so that the device cannot ignite an explosive mixture above or on the outside of the enclosure.
Sand-filled electrical equipment "q" powderfillingelectricalapparatus "q"
A shell is filled with sand or other filler material so that under the conditions of use specified, the arc generated within the shell, the propagating flame, or the overheating of the surface of the shell or filling material does not ignite the surrounding explosive mixture of electrical equipment.
Encapsulated electrical equipment "m" encapsulationelectricalapparatus "m"
An electrical device that encapsulates an entire piece of equipment or parts in a potting compound that cannot ignite the surrounding explosive mixture under normal operation and an approved overload or approved fault.
N-type electrical equipment "n" non-sparkingelectricalapparatus "n"
An electrical device that does not generate sparks that cause ignition or exceed the maximum surface temperature that is limited by temperature groups during normal operation or under abnormal conditions as specified by the standard or manufacturer.
Maintenance maintenance
Keeping or restoring the product to the state that meets the requirements of the relevant technical conditions, and realize the comprehensive activities of its required functions.
Inspection inspection
In order to obtain a safe and reliable conclusion for the operation of the equipment, detailed inspection activities are carried out without dismantling or partially dismantling equipment, supplemented by some test measures.
Visual inspection visualinspection
Use naked eyes instead of testing equipment or tools to identify significant defects such as missing bolts.
General inspection (professional) closeinspection
Including visual inspections and the use of testing equipment, such as stepladders (required places) and tools, to identify significant defects such as loose bolts.
00002 Note: Normal inspections generally do not require the enclosure to be opened or the equipment to be powered off.
Detailed inspection detailinspection
This includes general inspections and inspections where only the enclosure is open and/or (if necessary) tools or testing equipment is used to identify significant defects, such as loose terminal connections.
Initial inspection initialinspection
All electrical equipment, systems and devices are inspected before being put into operation.
Periodic inspection of periodicicinspection
Routine inspection of all electrical equipment, systems and equipment.
Continuous supervision of continuoussupervision
Regular maintenance, inspection, management, monitoring and maintenance of electrical devices by professional technicians experienced in professional installation and its use environment, in order to maintain the explosion-proof performance of the device in good condition.
Dust dust
Precipitated in the atmosphere by its own weight, but also suspended solids in the air for a certain period of time, solid particles (including dust and particles as defined in ISO4225).
Combustible dust combustibledust
It may be burned or smoldering after mixing with air and forms an explosive mixture with air under normal temperature and pressure.
Conductive dust conductivedust
A dust, fiber, or flying object with a resistivity equal to or less than 1×103Ω•m.
Dust layer minimum ignition temperature minimumignitiontemperatureofadustlayer
The minimum temperature at which a prescribed thickness of the dust layer ignites on the hot surface.
Dust cloud minimum ignition temperature minimumignitiontemperatureofadustcloud
The dust cloud contained in the air in the furnace shows the lowest temperature of the inner wall of the furnace when it ignites.
Anti dust dust ignition dustignitionprotection
The national standard GB 12476.1 applies to all measures (such as preventing the entry of dust and limiting the surface temperature) on electrical equipment to avoid ignition of dust or dust clouds.
The standard includes two different types of electrical equipment, type A and type B. Both types have the same level of protection.
Enclosure that can block all visible dust particles from entering.
Dust-proof enclosure dust-protected enclosure
Do not completely prevent the entry of dust, but the amount of its entry will not interfere with the safe operation of the device. Dust should not accumulate in the enclosure where ignition hazards may occur.
Maximum surface temperature maximumsurfacetemperature
The maximum gas surface temperature is the highest temperature at which the surface or any part of the electrical equipment may reach and may ignite the surrounding explosive gas atmosphere when the electrical equipment is operating under the most adverse conditions allowed.
The highest surface temperature of the dust refers to the maximum temperature reached by any part of the surface of the electrical equipment when tested under specified dust-free or dust-covered conditions.
00003 Note: This temperature is achieved under test conditions. Due to the heat insulation of the dust, the temperature increases as the dust thickness increases.
Permissible maximum surface temperature maximumpermissiblesurfacetemperature
In order to avoid ignition of dust, the maximum temperature reached by the surface of the electrical equipment is allowed in actual operation. The maximum allowable surface temperature depends on the type of dust, the layer thickness, and the safety factor used.
Symbols "U" and "U"symbols
A symbol indicating that the product is an Ex element after being added to the explosion-proof certificate number.
Symbol "X" "X" symbol
A symbol that indicates the safe use of specified conditions following the explosion-proof certificate number.
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